General knowledge
Gerunds or Infinitives?
Sentence Completion
Error Correction
What is a gerund? What is another name for it? Is it a verb or a noun? What roles can it play in a sentence?
A gerund is also known as a verbal noun. It is formed by adding "-ing" to a verb. A gerund can play the role of a subject or object in a sentence.
Verb phrases ending with a preposition can only be followed by a). gerunds; b). infinitives. Give an example.
a). gerunds. I have to put off visiting my parents for a week.
1). Let’s postpone (go) _____________ abroad until the political situation improves.
1). going
1). I went to the bank for cashing a check. 2). Would you like going to camp with us?
1). I went to the bank to cash a check. 2). Would you like to go camping with us?
She began _________________.
She began singing. She began to sing.
Give tow three examples of verbs that are followed ONLY by a gerund
adore appreciate avoid
. Could you please stop ____________(make) so much noise?
. Could you please stop making so much noise?
1. Cheryl suggested (see)___________ a movie after work.
1).seeing; 2). working 3). to speak
1). Stop to crack these nuts with your teeth! Here. Use a nutcracker.
1). Stop cracking these nuts with your teeth!
"I'm glad ................... that you passed the exam."
- After adjectives, the infinitif is used. be determined be disappointed be glad be happy be pleased
What is an infinitive?
An infinitive is "to + base form of a verb".
Tom refused ____________(lend) me any money.
Tom refused to lend me any money.
Do you mind _______________ me translate this letter?
1). helping
1). I am looking forward to meet with you in the near future.
1). I am looking forward to meeting with you..
"It's too difficult ( convince) ________________ him to be helpful." " But it's easy enough ( fool) ______________ him to get what you want."
"It's too difficult to convince him to be helpful." " But it's easy enough to fool him to get what you want."
I ‘ve arranged ____________ (play) tennis tomorrow afternoon.
I ‘ve arranged to play tennis tomorrow afternoon.
2.I miss (work) _____________ in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back.
1). Stop to crack these nuts with your teeth! 2). It is impossible for a dog talking.
1). Stop cracking these nuts with your teeth! 2). It is impossible for a dog to talk.
1. Brahim is good at (play) _____________ volleyball. 2. Lhsn is accustomed to having his own office. 3. Girls are addicted to (watch) ______________ TV. afraid of 4. Naima is afraid of (speak) ____________ in public
adjective + preposition combinations can ONLY be followed by gerunds. 1. Brahim is good at (play) _____________ volleyball. 2. Lhsn is accustomed to having his own office. 3. Girls are addicted to watching TV. afraid of 4. Naima is afraid of speaking in public Naima is afraid of (speak) speaking_ in public
Give Two examples of verbs that can be followed by both "gerund and "infinitif"
Remember begin hate
I hope you’ll enjoy (visit) _____________ the museum.
I hope you’ll enjoy (visit) visiting the museum.
1. Where did you learn (speak) _________ Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America?
to speak
Would you like going to camp with us?
Would you like to go camping with us?
1. I forgot (meet) ____________________ him. 2. She remembered ___________________ her grandmother. 3. I stopped ______________________ you.
1. I forgot to meet him. (I didn’t meet him because I forgot to do it.) I forgot meeting him. (I don’t have the memory of meeting him before.) 2. She remembered to visit her grandmother. (She didn’t forget to visit.) She remembered visiting her grandmother. 3. I stopped to call you. (I interrupted another action in order to call you.) I stopped calling you. (I stopped this activity. Maybe we had a fight.) (She had memories of this time.)