Causa belli gerendi
Gerund or genundive AND case
Gerundive, genitive
Si Caesar oppugnavit, hostis fugit.
Condition type and translation
Past factual
if Caesar attacked, the enemy fled.
The break in a line of Dactylic Hexameter is called what?
What case is Iovi?
"ut Iovi sacrificium faceret"
Who is the Centaur who attempts to abducts Hercules?
Ad superandum hostes
Gerund or gerundive AND case
Gerund, Acc.
Si domum mei amici venero, felix ero
Condition type and translation
Fut. More vivid
If I come to the house of my friend, I will be happy
The last two feet of Dactylic Hexameter are normally what
Dactyl - Spondee
Parse the case and function of paulo:
"Paulo post Hercules bellum..."
abl. degree of difference
What kinds of verbs activate the accusative supine?
Verbs of motion
"Opportunity of/for fighting"
Occasio/facultas pugnandi
Si agricola multum laboret, suam familiam curet.
Condition type and translation
Fut. less vivid
If the farmer should work hard, he would take care of his family
What is the order of the first four feet?
squamam incendebat fulgor, ceu nubibus arcus
"Si quis casu hominem occideret"
If anyone had killed a man by accident
What is the term for when two words that normally go together are cut/excised?
Express as a Gerundive:
"I arrived by following the roads"
arrive = pervenio
Perveni sequendis viis
Si cives satis aquae haberent, bene domirent.
Condition type and translation
Pres. Contrary to Fact
If the citizens were having enough water, they would sleep well.
What is the order of the first four feet?
occurrit tellus, maria undique et undique caelum,
verba morientis audi
Listen to the words of a dying man
What is the name of the king's daughter that Hercules brings back from Cenaeus?
Express as a supine:
"I came to the city to see my father"
Veni ad urbem visum meum patrem
Parvus puer non iam viveret, si fortis nauta eum servavisset.
Condition type and translation
The small boy would no longer be alive, if the brave sailor had not saved/rescued him
What is the order of the first four feet?
quaeritur huic alius; nec quisquam ex agmine tanto
Identify the tense, mood, and clause type of the verb esset
"et quae causa esset eius rei magnopere mirabatur"
Imperfect, Subjunctive, I.Q.
Name 6 of the 12 labors of Hercules (including geographical names or names of characters where relevant)
(not including Cerberus)
Nemean Lion; Lernean Hydra, Eurymanthean boar; Arcadian stag; Augean stables; Cattle of Geryon; Belt/Girdle of Hippolyte; Stymphalian birds; Cretan bull; Mares of Diomedes; Apples of the Hesperides;