Elves & Santa
12 Days of Christmas
Holiday Baking

The Christmas Tree is 3 feet shorter than the ceiling.  The ceiling is 10 feet tall.  How tall is the Christmas Tree?

What is 7 feet?

10 - 3 = 7


There are two elves at the mall.  Two more come to releave them so they can go back to the North Pole.  How many elves are at the mall now.



Since the Reindeer are laughing and making fun of Rudolph, he decides to go on vacation for Christmas.  (Also the weather is going to be nice, not foggy.)  How many reindeer are left to pull Santa's sleigh?

What is 8?


(Remember the 12 days of Christmas are cumlative.)

On the 5th day of Christmas, how many Partridges in Pear Trees will you have?

What is 5?


There are 34 students in math intervention (in the 4th and 5th grade combined). Each student eats 2 cookies.  How many cookies did they eat?

What is 68?

2 x 34 = 68


There are 8 strings of lights.  Three strings have 100 lights each, three strings have 150 lights each, and 2 strings have 50 lights each.  How many lights are on the 8 strings?

What is 850 lights?

3 x 100 = 300

3 x 150 = 450

2 x 50 = 100

300 + 450 + 100 = 850


Santa needs help delivering presents this year. There are 195 countries in the world. He can only deliver to 100 countries this year. His first assistance Santa can deliever to 46 countries.  How many countries will his second assistant Santa deliever to?

What is 49 countries?

100 + 45 = 146

195 - 146 = 49


As a treat for a job well done, on Christmas morning Santa gives each reindeer 2 apples (Rudolph is still on vacation).  How many apples did Santa give out?

What is 16?

8 x 2 = 16


(Remember Cumlative!)

On the 6th Day of Christmas, how many Calling Birds?

What is 12?

3 x 4 = 12


Mrs. Moe and the Cafeteria ladies make 10 dozen gingerbread cookies and 10 dozen sugar cookies.  How many cookies did they make? 

What is 240 cookies?

10 x 12 = 120

120 x 2 = 240


Mom needs 100 Christmas ornaments for the tree.  She bought 5 boxes, each box has 15 Christmas ornaments in it.  Did she buy enough Christmas ornaments?

No.  She needs 2 more boxes.

5 x 15 = 75


The Elves choir is practing for the Christmas Eve party.  They are deciding which songs to sing.  There are 75 elves in the choir.  50 elves want to sing Santa Clause is Coming to Town. 15 want to sing Jingle Bells, and 9 want to sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. They said the team with the lowest score gets to make the finial decision.  ____ Team has to sing one of these sings for the points.

You got 300 points.


The elves polish the reindeer's harnesses before putting them away for the year.  Each harness has 8 sleigh bells on it.  How many sleigh bells will the elves polish? (Yes, Rudolph is still on vacation.)

What is 64?

8 x 8 = 64


(Remember cumlative!)

On the 8th Day of Christmas, how many Maids a Milking?

What is 8?

This is the first day you get this gift.


Mrs. Moe decided that they need to make cookies for all of the intervention math students.  She makes enough for each student to have one dozen cookies to share with their friends. How many cookies did she make? (There are 34 fourth and fifth graders in math intervention.)

What is 408 cookies?

34 x 12 = 408


The school Christmas tree needs 50 feet of garland to look festive.  Mrs. Barlow bought 3 packs of 20 foot garland in the school colors (blue and yellow).  Did she buy enough garland?


3 x 20 = 60


The elves are making toys for Christmas.  They need to make  5,000 toys before Christmas Eve.  They have made 2,500 baby dolls and 1,750 toy trucks.  Buddy the Elf has made 350 Jack -n- boxes.  Have they made enough?

No, they need to make 400 more toys

2,500 + 1,750 + 350 = 4,600

5,000 - 4,600 = 400


Rudolph decided to spend his vacation in Thailand.  He was really tired of the cold and snow.  Every day for the entire month of December he ate 2 bananas.  How  many bananas did Rudolph eat on vacation?

What is 62 bananas?

31 x 2 = 62


(Remember Cumlative!)

On the 11th day of Christmas, how many golden rings? 

What is 35?

7 x 5 = 35


Mrs. Clause makes cookies for the elves.  There are 2,567 elves at the North Pole.  She makes enough cookies so that each elf can have 2 cookies. How many cookies did she make?

What is 5,134 cookies?

2,567 x 2 = 5,134


Ms. Moe is making cookies for the school Christmas party.  She needs to make 550 cookies so that the students and staff can each have one cookie.  She made 250 sugar cookies, 175 gingerbread cookies, and 150 Hershey Kiss cookies.  Did she make enough cookies or does she need to make more?

Yes, she made enough.

250 + 175 + 150 = 575


Buddy the Elf says the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear.  So, if you want these 500 points you will need to work together and sing a Christmas song.  (Both teams work together for this one and they both can receive the points.)

Way to go spreading cheer!


Reindeer love alfalfa hay. All  8 reindeer eat 2 bales of hay a day, how many bales will they eat by December 25? (Remember Rudolph is still on vacation.)

What is 400 bales of alfalfa hay?

8 x 2 = 16

16 x 25 = 400


The total number of gifts received according to the song. (Hint: The gifts cumlative.)

What is 364 gifts?  A gift for each day of the year except Christmas Day.

Day 1 = 12 gifts           Day 2 = 22 gifts

Day 3 = 30                  Day 4 = 36

Day 5 = 40                  Day 6 = 42

Day 7 = 42                  Day 8 = 40

Day 9 = 36                 Day 10 = 30

Day 11 = 22               Day 12 = 12


Mrs. Moe made 986 cookies for GES Sing a long party in the gym.  Spike and the Grinch snuck into the cafeteria and ate 78 of the cookies. How many were left for the party?

What is 908 cookies?

986 - 78 = 908