The moon goddess will cut off your ear in Taiwan if you do this
Point at the moon
In Brazil, this is a rude sign
The 'OK' hand sign, making a circle by touching pointer finger and thumb together
This is considered rude in Thailand
touching someone's head
In India and many Middle Eastern countries (predominately Islamic cultures), this is considered rude and gross
using your left hand for eating, passing objects...since that's the hand you wipe with
It's just plain rude to do this in Malaysia
point at people
In Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, this sign means a swear word.
thumbs up
In Italy, this gesture is a rude, dismissive one that means "I don't care"
a chin flick
In South Africa, this sign is an insult typically meaning a bad word.
backwards peace sign
This gesture in Vietnam it's rude and means a swear word.
crossing fingers
In Italy and Spain, this sign tells someone they're being cheated on
hang loose/rock on, pointer and pinky finger up like bull horns
In the Philippines, the gesture is insulting; treating a person like an animal
beckoning/come here motion
Nodding your head in Bulgaria
In Turkey, placing your thumb at the crux between your index and middle finger means this
warding off bad vibes/evil eye
In China doing this means that you are making a sincere promise
hand on heart
In Nepal, holding out a hand and shaking it means
In Jordan, this sign tells someone to wait a moment
fingertips together, palm up