Yard Games
At the Beach

Quintessential campfire treat combining chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers.

What is a smore?


Two or more players volley a shuttlecock over a net.

What is badminton?


There are 54 hiking trails in this Arizona national park featuring huge walls of red rock and the Colorado River.

What is the Grand Canyon National Park?


The world's tallest sandcastle to date was 57 feet 11 inches tall and made in Binz, Germany, according to this global authority.

What is Guinness World Records?


A streak of light caused by a tiny piece of rock or dust burning up as it crosses Earth's atmosphere.

What is a shooting star?


Fake camping; "camping" in a cabin or RV with modern amenities.

What is glamping?


Mallets are used to knock balls through wickets toward stakes in this game of up to 6 players.

What is croquet?


This route stretches 2,193 miles across 14 states from Georgia to Maine.

What is the Appalachian Trail?


Some creatures spend their entire lives in these parts of rocky shorelines, which are sometimes completely underwater.

What are tide pools?


Waxing gibbous and waning crescent are two phases of this.

What is the moon?


Groundsheet, pole clips, rain fly, and storm flap are parts of this.

What is a tent?


Two teams try to roll their balls as close as possible to a small white ball, called a jack, without knocking into it.

What is bocce?


Cheryl Strayed wrote her memoir Wild about her time on this trail, which runs from California to British Columbia over the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains.

What is the Pacific Crest Trail?


If you pick up one of these, make sure no one is home!

What is a shell?


Merak and Dubhe, part of the Big Dipper, are known as the "pointer stars" because they form a line with this, the most useful star.

What is the North Star (Polaris)?


May be rectangular, semi-rectangular, or mummy-shaped.

What is a sleeping bag?


A "traffic cop" calls out signals telling the other players when to move. If you move when you're not supposed to, you're out!

What is red light, green light?


The Kalalau Trail, featuring beaches, cliffs, waterfalls, and dense valleys is the most famous hiking trail in this state.

What is Hawaii?


A person who searches for things of interest or value, such as sea glass or lost jewelry.

What is a beachcomber?


This stargazing tool was originally made with a series of curved lenses but newer versions might use x-rays, radio waves, or gamma-rays instead of relying on visual light.

What is a telescope?


Tales told late at night around the campfire with the unstated goal of making everyone too afraid to sleep.

What are scary stories?


One person is assigned to protect the item in the name of this game, while everyone else tries to knock it over without being tagged.

What is kick the can?


Since 1849, more than 150 hikers have died on the trails to this summit, the highest point in New England and home to the world's worst weather.

What is Mount Washington?


These classic toys became popular in the 1960s and are used in games such as water polo.

What are beach balls?


This structure is the third-brightest object in the sky and looks like a particularly high, fast-moving plane against the stars.

What is the ISS?