High School
Ways to Pay
Classes you have to take to graduate from high School
What are Required Classes?
Getting paid for what you love to do is called_____________.
What is having a career?
What type of college offers awards, certificates and associates degrees?
What is community and technical colleges?
Name the type of financial aid where a student receives a job at the college to help pay for school.
What is Work Study?
True or False You have to know exactly what you want to study when you register for college.
What is False?
Classes you take to explore your interests and career possibilities are called_______________.
What are Electives?
To become an electrician I could go to a technical college or a 4 year school. Pick the right type of school.
What is a technical college?
Which four year college costs more in tuition-public college or private colleges?
What is Private College? Although, the financial aid package for a private college can make it less expensive! Don't cross them off your list!
You have to have excellent grades to get a scholarship. True or False.
What is False? You can get scholarships for talents, financial need, membership in a club, many other means.
Your GPA is one aspect of your high school experience that a college will look at in your admissions process. GPA stands for________________.
What is Grade Point Average?
Two things I should consider when picking a high school are__________________ and__________________.
What are location, programs of study, extra-curricular activities, college access programs, elective classes, diversity, and so on?
In general, careers that require a college degree pay more money than other kinds of work. True or False
What is True?
Name three out of the five costs of college.
What is tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation expenses?
Name the form of financial aid that you have to pay back after college.
What is student loans?
There are many things you can do to make your college application look great. Name three.
What is good grades, high ACT or SAT scores, work and volunteer experiences, extra-curricular activities, overcoming barriers?
Classes and activities I can participate in after school are called?
What are extra-curricular activities?
The major factor to use in picking a career is________________.
What is personal interest?
The degree a student can earn after 4 years of college is called a ___________________degree.
What is a bachelor's degree?
FAFSA stands for ____________________.
What is Free Application for Federal Student Aid?
College costs are often seen as a barrier to college by many students. Name two ways you could lower the cost of attending college.
What is renting books instead of buying them, living at home instead of dorms, do not have a car on campus, living within a budget, limit spending to essential items? (accept reasonable answers)
A high school that meets most or all of your needs for your future plans is called________________.
What is a "Best Fit" high school?
Name two ways to explore a career to see if you are interested in pursuing it.
What is a job shadow, tour, internet research, informational interview, elective class in school, etc...?
Name three 4 year colleges or universities in Minnesota.
What is Augsburg, Metropolitan, St. Thomas, St. Mary's, St. Catherine's, Bethel, St. Cloud State University, Winona State University, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris and Crookston, etc...?
Name seven ways to pay for college.
What is savings, work study, grants, loans, community/military service, family support and scholarships?
The difference between a job and a career is _________________.
What is the difference - a job is based on working for money whereas careers are planned and trained for based on a person's personal interests?