Number Sense
Place Value
Fractions & Decimals
Meas.and Probability
The product of 9 and ________ is 1,107.
What is 123.
The digit 9 in 89.4 stands for? A) 9 hundredths B) 9 tenths C) 9 ones D) 9 tens
what is 9 ones
Find 9.50-2.63
What is 6.87
Estimate 681-307 by rounding to the nearest 100.
What is 400
The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 centimeters. The length of one of its sides is 5 centimeters. What is the area?
What is 35 centimeters squared
What is the greatest common factor of 27 and 45?
What is 9
13 thousand + 4 tens + 8 ones in standard form is _______
What is 13,048
4 3/5 = ?
What is 23/5
What is 7/12 – 2/6? Express your answer in simplest form.
What is 1/4

The area of a rectangle is 98 square centimeters, and its width is 7 centimeters. Find the length.

What is 14 centimeters

In the number 83,415 the value of the digit 3 is _______ A) 30 B) 300 C) 3,000 D) 30,000
What is C)3,000
1,000 more than 37,568 is. A) 36,568 B) 37,468 C) 37,668 D) 38,568
What is D)38,568
Subtract 2/4 from 7/12. Express your answer in simplest form
What is 1/12

Rita bought fabric and ribbon from a store. The ribbon cost $18.50. Rita paid the cashier $50.00 and received change of $5.25. How much did the fabric cost?

What is $26.25


A bag contains 5 yellow balls and 3 green balls. Choose the correct word to describe the likelihood of drawing a yellow ball from the bag. A) Impossible B) Certain C) More likely D) Less likely

What is C) More likely

Which pair of numbers has both a prime and composite number? A) 4 and 7 B) 3 and 13 C) 14 and 28 D) 6 and 8
What is A) 4 and 7
2 ten thousands + 9 thousands + 7 hundreds + 8 tens + 3 ones in standard form is __________.
What is 29,783

Ava’s mass is 45.0 kilograms when rounded to 1 decimal place. What is her least possible mass? A) 45.01 kilograms B) 44.95 kilograms C) 44.99 kilograms D) 44.55 kilograms

What is B) 44.95

I am a number between 30 and 50. I am a multiple of 8. My greatest common factor with 25 is 5. What number am I?
What is 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 If you had to pick one of these numbers out of a hat. You are __________ to pick an odd number than an even number. A) More likely B) Less likely C) equally likely D) impossible
What is C) Equally likely
Find the mode, median, and range of the following data set. 31 lb 36 lb 21 lb 40 lb 38 lb 40 lb
Mode = 40 lb Median = 37 lb Range = 9 lb
Break this number down into the different place values. 569.14
What is 5 hundreds 6 tens 9 ones 1 tenth 4 hundreths
0.55 is not equal to ______________ A) 11/20 B) 55/100 C) 550/1,000 D) 55/10
What is D0 55/10

Mr. Lim has some savings. If he gives $40 to one brother, he will have $6,145 left. But he decides to give all his savings to his 5 brothers equally. How much will each brother get?

What is $1,257

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 If you had to pick one of these numbers out of a hat. You are __________ to pick a multiple of 2 than multiple of 3. A) More likely B) Less likely C) equally likely D) impossible
What is A) More likely