Summer Food
Summer Travel
Summer Fun
Summer Fun Facts
Summer Mix Up

July is the National Month of two summer food treats.

What are blueberries and ice cream?


You can swim, make a sand castle and collect shells at this summer fun spot.

What is the beach?


Something that you may do on the summer vacation. When you sleep outside in tents, sit by campfire and make S'mores.

What is Camping?


The summer month that has the most thunder and lightning storms and the most forest fires.

What is July?


The average number of licks to finish 1 scoop of ice cream.

What is 50?


This summer treat was made by accident by an 11 year old.

What is the Popsicle?

1905: The popsicle was a happy accident & instant favorite. After a long day of play, Frank went inside, but left his cup of soda with the stirring stick still in it out on his porch. Left out overnight, the soda froze like an icicle! Curious, Frank gave the frozen soda a try - and whoa! popsicles were created.


Where you find water slides and roller coasters, games of skill and junk food all day long.

What is an amusement park.


This game is played with clubs and many holes, and you usually have ice cream after the game is over.

What is Mini-Golf?


When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, what it is in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is winter?


The important vitamin your body makes from sunshine.

What is vitamin D?


The hotdog was called this before it was called "the hotdog"

What is a Frankfurter?

The name most likely began as a joke about the Germans' small, long, thin dogs. In fact, even Germans called the frankfurter a "little-dog" or "dachshund" sausage, thus linking the word "dog" to their popular concoction.


A place where kids go sometimes during the day some times for a week during the summer.

What is summer camp?

Summer camp is a program that kids can go to during summer break. Many camps have a special focus like outdoor skills, art, music, or science.

Some unusual summer camps include spy camp, circus camp, space camp, live action role play camp, and comedy camp.


You use a line and a pole and tell stories about the one that got away!

What is fishing?


This insect we see and hear in the summer that can be used to tell the temperature.

What is a cricket?

Crickets make different chirping noises depending on the temperature. They chirp faster when it’s hotter.


A fun summer game that originated with a pie plate.


The role of frisbees changed from being pie plates to being a national staple for pastimes. They were invented in the 1870s as pie plates for Frisbee Pies located in New Haven. Their pies were served at Yale to the college students. Whamo made the first 'toy' dedicated to the sport played during the summer.


In Connecticut, we have lots of farms where you can pick these fruits in the summer. Name all 3.

What are strawberries, blueberries and peaches?


The length of the world's longest lazy river.

What is 3/4 of a mile?

You'll need to set aside approximately an hour. That's how long it takes to complete the 3/4-mile loop at Waco Surf in Waco, Texas.


The holiday that celebrates America's Birthday.

What is Independence Day or the 4th of July

In the United States, people celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July. This holiday is celebrated with festivals, picnics with loved ones and friends, parades, and fireworks.


What SPF stands for.

What is Sun Protection Factor?


The reason we say June 21st (June 20-22) is the longest day of the year

More of the 24 hours are daylight hours, about 14-16 hours. The fewest number of hours are dark.


This very popular summer "fruit" (The average American consumes 15 pounds per year!) is really vegetable.

What is watermelon?

Watermelons are one of the most popular food items during the summer months. There are a total of 30 different types of watermelons. In truth, watermelons are not even fruits but vegetables belonging to the cucumber family. Watermelon consists of around 92% water.


A New England favorite place to escape the summer heat.

What is Cape Cod?


This game is played in your neighborhood, on and organized team or you may watch it at a big stadium. It is America's pastime!

What is baseball?


Something summer generally gives us more of, that is scientifically proven to make us happier?


What is daylight?

Daylight makes people happy! It is a proven fact that people are more content during the summertime. An increase in sunlight positively affects us mentally, making us happy.


The phrase, "the dog days of summer" has to do with the stars or with dogs

What is the stars!   The term ‘Dog days of Summer’ has its origins in astronomy. It has a relation to the Dog Star’ Sirius’. This star is a part of a constellation known as the Greater Dog. We can see this star in the sky in July. For the ancient Romans and Greeks, this signified summer’s coming as they would experience the hottest of days during this time.