Very Impressive
To Work or Not to Work
Let's Play
Your First Job
Tell Me About Yourself

You should always do this when meeting someone.

What is shake hands?


Name one of the best ways to get information on job openings.  

What is searching the internet?


The San Diego Chargers now play football in this city 

What is Los Angeles?


This is the minimum age a teenager needs to be to work at most fast food restaurants.

What is 16?


This is how you should introduce yourself when interviewing for a job.

What is clearly say your name, and make eye contact?


You should wear _______________when applying for a job.

What is professional clothing?


This job requires outstanding customer service skills.

What is a cashier (bus driver, store clerk, receptionist, waiter)?


You might see this instrument being played in a marching band.

What is a trumpet?  (tuba, drums, clarinet, trombone)


These are two places teenagers often work.

What are Jack in the Box and the Movie Theater? (SeaWorld, McDonald's, KFC, Grocery Stores)


People are usually asked this question in an interview.

What is "Tell me about yourself?" ("Tell me about your work experience"., "Why do you want to work here?")


Two things that you can do to make a good first impression?

What are smile and make eye contact?


These 2 jobs require a High School Diploma and offer an opportunity to work with animals.

What are a Animal Day Care Worker, and Veterinary Assistant? 


These two sports require that a person knows how to swim.

What are Water Polo and Surfing?


This is the right thing to do if you are going to be late for work.

What is call the manager?  (Call your supervisor, call your boss)


Arriving about how many minutes early to an interview is very important.

What is 5-10 minutes?


These 2 things would NOT make a good first impression.

What are wearing dirty clothes and frowning? (uncombed hair, bad breath, dirty shoes, using profanity)


These 2 jobs require you to be physically fit.

What is a police officer and a lifeguard?  (firefighter, coach, personal trainer, landscaper, gardener, athletes)


In the movie the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy did this to return home.

What is clicked her heels?  (Wear ruby slippers)


This is the current minimum wage in the state of California.

What is $12.00/hour?


It takes just _____________ seconds/minutes to make a good first impression at an interview. 

What is about 30 seconds and not usually more than 1 minute?


The best way to remember a person's name after shaking their hand

What is repeat the person's name?


Name 2 careers (jobs) that require a college degree.

What are a teacher and an engineer?  (doctor, lawyer, nurse, business manager, police officer, firefighter)


Name the two Droids who were main characters in the movie Star Wars.

Who are 3CPO and R2D2?


These two tasks are often done by the employees in a movie theater.

What is taking tickets and cleaning the theater?  (selling popcorn, selling tickets, cleaning restrooms, greeting guests)


While being interviewed for a job people often ask this question.

What is "If I am hired, when would I start?"  ("What kind of uniform will I need to wear?" "When will you be making a hiring decision?")