We Have An Application For That
It'll Get You
There, Eventually
Is it the Governing Body or City Council?
Who Needs
Rules Anyway?
It's On The
Long Range Plan

A plan showing the existing and proposed features for a property.

What is a site plan?


Identifies themself as the father of the greenway.

Who is Pete Layborn?


The number of people who make up the Cheyenne City Council.

What are 9?


The type of letter that Connor sends  to people who violate the UDC.  

What is a zoning violation letter? 


This plan shows general alignments for future roadways.  

What is the Major Street Plan?


A BOPU permit required with the establishment of new sod or seed.

What is a new sod/new seed permit?


Typically nine feet wide and eighteen feet long but often hard for people to navigate.

What are parking spaces?


A small mallet with which the Mayor or City Council President hits a surface to call for attention or order

What is a gavel? 


An acronym describing people protesting a development nearby or adjacent to their home.   

What is a NIMBY? 


This map serves as a general framework and guide for decision making decisions regarding zoning.  

What is the Future Land Use Map?


This application provides relief from the strict application of a standard where application of the standard to a specific site would create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulties on all reasonable use of the property. 


What is a variance application?


The most vehicularly travelled road segment in Cheyenne.

What is Yellowstone Road between Central Avenue and Dell Range Boulevard?


During the pandemic's first virtual meeting of the governing body, this classic hip hop/rap song could be heard playing in the background throughout the meeting.   

What is Boyz in the Hood by Eazy E?


This barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape is oftentimes constructed in a site triangle.

What is a fence?


This was the last corridor plan prepared by the MPO.

What is the Whitney Road Corridor Plan?


Previous to October 31, 2020, City-licenses were required to serve these products.   

What are soft drinks?  


The number of round-a-bouts in operation in Cheyenne City limits. 

What are seven?


An open gathering of officials and citizens, in which citizens are permitted to offer comments, but officials are not obliged to act on them or, typically, even to respond publicly.

What is a public hearing?


A person who appeals for a reversal of the decision.

What is an appellant? 


This marks the last year the Parks and Recreation Plan was updated.  

What is 2006?


This type of permit restricts development on a neighboring property to guarantee the property owner access to sunlight.  

What is a Solar Access permit? 


The shortest interstate in Wyoming.

What is Interstate 180? 


The southernmost ward of the City.

What is Ward 1?


Having at least this many temporary signs for a business in the CB zone district is considered a violation deserving punishment to the maximum extent allowed by law.

What are three signs?


To put into effect.

What is to implement?