When is my Birthday?
What is September 25th 2000
What are the names of the cars I have owned?
What is Kirby and Boo
What do I collect?
What is Pokemon Stuffies
What is my Educational Background?
What is Psychology and HR
What is my favourite video game of all time?
What is Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness
What are my Parents names?
Who is Bob and Charlene
What was my first job?
What is a Dish washer
What position do I play in Soccer?
What is Winger
What is the name of the Certificate I possess from SMU?
What is Health, Wellness, and Sport in Society
How many years are between me and my brother?
What is 4 Years
What was the childhood nickname that my parents used for me growing up?
What is Missess
What Game do i have the most hours played on?
What is Animal Crossing New Horizons, or Pokemon Pearl
What is the name of my Disorder
What is Segmental Vitiligo
I am a successful product of evolution as I did not develop any wisdom teeth, yet i am also missing an additional ____
What is 7
I am also just a girl, what video game character do i credit with helping my sexual awakening?
Who is Link (Specifically from Twilight Princess)