Personal Facts
I am non-compliant with smoking policies.
Who is Denise?
I move like a sloth and need assistance in the bathroom
Who is Jackie?
I like to yell 'my eyes'
Who is James?
I write music.
Who is Jimmy?
It is Care Planned for me that I prefer to be naked.
Who is Carol?
I like to ask 'where am I going today?'
Who is Timothy?
I will not touch my food without pepper on it.
Who is Loretta?
I must sit for 10 minutes after smoking
Who is Chasity?
I LOVE Soft Peppermints
Who is Olen?
I have my PHD
Who is Deborah?
I enjoy my Catholic shows and must have continuous O2
Who is Carol?
I like to hide under my bed
Who is Joanna?
I was a DJ
Who is Brian?
I enjoy exercises in my room.
Who is Bruce?
They call me 'mountain'
Who is Randall?