Hot takes

Ms. Schmidt prefers starbucks more than dunkin coffee?

True or false?

False! I love the blueberry muffin iced coffee from Dunkin yummmm!!


Ms. Schmidt prefers to sing classical musical over musical theatre. 

True or false?

True!!!! Love me some classical musical! 


Ms. Schmidt has just below 50 starbucks cups in her collection. 

True or false?

False.. she actually owns over starbucks 100 cups!!!


Ms. Schmidt thought Aladdin on broadway was the best musical she has ever seen live!

True or false?

False... it was one of the worst shows I saw actually...


She prefers apple music over spotify

True or false?

False! Spotify forever!!!!

She likes very odd sweet and salty food combinations

True or false?


(hot sauce on pancakes, mustard on fruit, peanut butter burgers)


The best concert Ms. Schmidt has been to was Katy Perry.

True or false?

False... I saw her for my first concert, but my favorite was Beach Boys!


One of her favorite shows is Spongebob

True or false?

False, I do love it but I prefer the series Shameless and also ICarly and Victorious!


Ms. Schmidt thinks everyone should own at least one pair of crocs :)

True or false?


You will receive 100 bonus points for your team if you have a guess for how many pairs I own!


She prefers a savory breakfast (eggs, bacon, toast) over a sweet breakfast (pancakes, muffins, donuts)

True or false?

True!! I do not like sweet foods very much. (other than coffee!)


She eats about a jar of peanut butter every week!

True or false?



The most recent concert Ms. Schmidt has been to was to see Noah Kahan. 

True or false?

TRUE! One of my favorite artists EVER!!!!


She prefers to go on vacation somewhere with mountains instead of going somewhere with beaches.

True or false?

TRUE! My favorite vacation spot was Alaska and I went 2 times!


Her favorite pizza toppings are bacon and pineapple

True or false?


Sweet and salty combination for the WIN!


I had a deaf teacher in middle school 

True or false?

False... but I did have a blind teacher!


Chinese food is Ms. Schmidts favoriteeeee type of food!


but... I will give you 200 points if you can guess which type of food is my favorite. You have one guess. If you get it wrong, the other team can guess it for 100 points!


Ms. Schmidts favorite musical is The Music Man! But she also loves Mamma Mia and Addams Family!

True or false?

True!!! I have so many favorites, it is hard to choose! 

I feel like I have a new favorite one every month!


Ms. Schmidt really loves disney movies over pixar movies. 

True or false?

False. A lot of my favorite movies from my childhood are pixar movies. 

(Up, Toy Story, Nemo, Monsters inc, Cars, Ratatouille)


Ms. Schmidt really did not enjoy watching Harry Potter.

True or false?

True.. I am sorry guys. I fall asleep during every movie 


Ms. Schmidt prefers getting up early rather than staying up supppperrrrr late!

True or false?

True. 9 pm is my bedtime lol. I love getting up at sunrise and drinking coffee!


She prefers coke products over pepsi products. 

True or false?

False! My favorite soda is mtn dew which is a pepsi product!!


Ms. Schmidt first learned how to read sheet music in alto clef in 6th grade. 

True or false?


Does anyone know what this means? You will get 250 points if you know where you can find this clef. 

You will get 250 points if you can guess what her first instrument was in middle school! 


The first musical that Ms. Schmidt was in was Seussical. 

True or false?

False... it was aristocats.. but I did Seussical when I was in 8th grade! :)


Ms. Schmidt eats her cereal with water. 

True or false?

I know I will get roasted for this but... 



In middle school through high school, Ms. Schmidt played 4 different sports. 

True or false?

False.. she played 5 different sports!

You will get a bonus 250 points if you can name 3 sports that she was in!

and another 250 points if you can guess all 5 sports she was in after answering the 3 sports correctly! :p