
I have a questionable lip tattoo I got freshman year and my dentist saw it this summer.



Last summer, a group of friends and I studying abroad in Austria took a 5 hour train ride to go see a band, with no plans on where to stay the night. After the concert we assumed we would go out until around 5:30am which is when the first train started back up. But no😭😭😭, the town ended up being so small and the single club there was closed so we ended up camping out in a hotel lobby for 5+ hours buying lord knows what so that we could kill time until 5:30am

Emma L


One time the guy i liked made out with 5 different girls in one day (myself included)… and now he’s my boyfriend oops!



I got into a fight this past weekend in the Chappell Roan crowd with a few of insufferable millennials. My sister, a couple girls, and I got blocked in the crowd by these two massive dudes so we decided to just move in front of them so we could see and then this other group of women who are not affected by us moving at all decide to lose it and start screaming and swearing at us, telling us to go back to where we were originally. Again, the only reason we moved was because the two massive boys came and tried to push by us. We were not squishing anyone and there was plenty of room to move and we were not blocking the women’s view (they were taller than us). But they keep making a scene and then start booing us in front of everyone while I’m trying to explain to the woman that we weren’t trying to cut them off. Anyways they were entitled and rude and I was like ok what do you expect when you come to see chappell, have you seen her crowd sizes? I eventually just ask the women if they would like to trade spots with us. They were so immature I almost cried. Also this gay couple decides they wanted to get involved so they literally hurled every insult at me possible to which I just responded with “i don’t speak to men who are below my eye level” so all in all it was a bunch of dumb idiots but we enjoyed the festival and chappell was AMAZING!!!!

Eva W


I got w a guy and found out he has an identical twin. I had a nightmare that i got w the other twin and i got traumatized and cut him off w no explanation.



So at TKE the other day I thought it was a great idea to do a backflip. for background, i was a gymnast for 9 years. however, since i quite when i was 11 i never mastered 5 wine bag pulls in back flips. So, i did a back tuck, laced right on my forehead, and broke my finger. i will never be drinking alcohol again (until saturday)

Ali c


I hooked up with and then had a situationship with my BILD 1 TA freshmen year



I became friends with a nice homeless man I met at a Panera Bread and he slept in my house for two nights before we sent him off :)

Janice K


I ran the LA marathon in 8th grade


I’ve taught parent and baby swim classes for two years and have gotten thrown up on and pooped on by so many babies before!

Emma Lee


Back in high school I used to hookup with a guy and now he’s a semi famous dj in LA (he’s going on tour in Europe this winter)



I was dating a guy junior year of hs and I threw up on him while giving him head… and we were at my grandma’s house 😃

Emma T


I had my first kiss 2 days freshly 18 with a Sig ep guy who i later found out was a fourth year 😵😵😵😵 then went to date dash with him the next morning and then went to a Sig ep exchange that night and basically blacked out cause he was so awkward



I’m in a situationship with Tony Lopez

Kaitlyn S


One time a guy told me that I looked like his mom while doing the dirty…



I lost my virginity in my childhood playhouse ✨✨



One time my parents sold my dog while I was at a play date and when I came home they told me they sent him to be a bomb detection dog in Paris and I believed it till I was 15, he was a 1 year old yorkie #ripchico



my mom walked in on me topless with the guy i told her was gay

Tessa P


I ate it getting off the trolley yesterday after the new member meeting and almost fainted on the bench



I went viral on TikTok for posting a video of people dressed up as sheep in revelle 

Claire s


I chased vodka with chai tea during Bid Day Weekend when I was a freshman, blacked out, got hospitalized, and then my boyfriend at the time cheated on me while at the party that I left to go to the hospital



Chipped half of my tooth at home after blacking out at Pike I-party. I have nightmares to this day about losing my teeth :((



my ex bf got 230+ shares on his shirtless insta post when he only had like 400 followers 💀



I temporarily lived in missouri last year and while I was there I made it my one goal to domesticate a deer and have it as a pet. I made a bunch of food for the deer and sprinkled it around the backyard so they would come. Also it was not an unusual thing for deer to be in the back yard so I thought this would be easy. Unfortunately, the deer would only come and eat when we were not looking so I tried harder. I pour food closer to our back door but they never came to get it. After a while, I was discouraged and stopped looking out for them. The day I moved back to California, my mom frantically called me and asked why there was a mfing deer in the kitchen. Apparently I left the back door slightly open so a little baby deer found its way in. My plan worked lol.

Marina M


um one time when i was feeling awesome at a tke party (event!) i decided to try to pee off the canyon and ended up tumbling down the canyon with my pants down <3
