
What is something you like about yourself?

In what country did the Olympic Games originate?



Part of history that's really interesting to you?

Who invented the lightbulb?

Thomas Edison.


Any songs, TV shows, movies, or celebrities you can't stand?

"Rosie the Riveter" represented the efforts of women joining the workforce during which war?

World War II


Something you're weirdly good at? Something you aren't very good at?

In 1773, the Sons of Liberty orchestrated which protest of British rule?

The Boston Tea Party


Build me the ultimate pizza. 

What country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States?



Your favorite sport to watch? Your favorite sport to play?

What country has the SECOND largest population in the world? (Bonus points if you can identify the country with the FIRST largest population). 

India has the second largest, while China has the first. 


What type of music do you like best?

Who was the SECOND president of the United States?

John Adams. 


What is your go-to snack and drink combo?

This ancient (and possibly completely made up) war was won using a large wooden horse as a decoy. 

The Trojan War. 


Any pet peeves?

The Wall Street Crash on October 29th, 1929 (that is widely considered the inciting event of the Great Depression) is referred to by what name?

Black Tuesday. 


Smell you hate vs. smell you like?

In what city will you find the famous Colosseum? (Bonus points if you can name the country.)

Rome, Italy


You can pick one movie or TV show to watch for the rest of time. What is it? 

What country is largest by land mass alone?



If you had to legally change your first name to another name, what would you go with?

In 1969, the Apollo 11 mission made what man the first to walk on the moon?

Neil Armstrong


Favorite place to go in town?

This French emperor, known for being kind of short, caused over a decade's worth of battles trying to conquer Europe.  

Napoleon Bonaparte. 


If someone put a thousand dollars in your pocket and you had to spend it in ONE DAY, what would you do with it?

The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD destroyed what Roman town?



Best holiday and why?

This monument is a huge tourist hotspot, possibly a little boring to look at, located in England, and is partially underground. 



If you had an all expenses paid trip to anywhere, where would you go and who would you take?

Only one of the seven ANCIENT wonders of the world remains standing today. It is located in what country?



What is an item on your bucket list?

Who founded the American Red Cross during the Civil War? (Hint: She was a nurse, and a she.)

Clara Barton. 


What is most likely to make you feel jealous of someone else?

This war, which only lasted 2 years, was ALSO between the US and Britain, and ended in a treaty with no one truly "winning". 

War of 1812. 


The best gift you've ever gotten?

In the 80's, a nuclear reactor exploded in the Ukraine, leading to major impacts on the environment and human health. This event is known as . . . 

The Chernobyl Disaster. 


What is something you're scared of?

This unusual bell tower, located in Italy, was NOT built on solid ground. 

The Leaning Tower of Pisa. 


A lie you've told that you regretted?

In what country is the tallest mountain peak in the world? (Bonus points if you can tell me the name of the mountain.)

Nepal. Mount Everest. 


What's your go-to way to show someone you care about them?

Edward Teach was a legendary pirate born in North Carolina, famous for stealing and looking scary. He is better known as . . . 



Who is the person you trust most in the world?

The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is widely thought to have been the catalyst for this war. 

World War I


Something you've done recently that you were proud of?

April 18th is a historic day in a few different decades. In 1775, a certain someone went riding to warn about the coming of a certain army. In 1938, a certain superhero was first introduced in a DC comic. They were . . . 

Paul Revere and Superman


Something about yourself you'd like to work on?

There are four presidents on Mount Rushmore. Name them all. 

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.