Your School Counselor
Why do kids see a School Counselor?
Classroom Lessons
What does a School Counselor do?
Anything else

Who are your School Counselors?

Ms. Dawson

Mrs. Jacinta Wooden


Why do kids see a School Counselor?

Because of a problem at home, school, in the neighborhood, with a friend, etc...


Will I visit your classroom?

Yes! I will visit every class at least once a month maybe more for a monthly guidance lesson!


School Counselors help kids 

develop the skills to solve their problems (conflicts, big feelings, stressors, etc.)


We probably know our other School Counselor very well, but who am I again?

Ms. Dawson!


What grades do I serve here at Discovery Stem Academy?



What are two problems that a child might have that will want them to see a school counselor?

Death of someone they are close to, family break-up, issues with friends, bullying, feeling alone, stressed, sad, problems with behavior, etc...

Name two things we might work on when I visit your classroom?

Bullying, Friendship Skills, Test Taking Strategies, Being Safe, Making Good Choicest Careers, etc.


School Counselors do more than just work with children. Name two things that you think that a School Counselor does in addition to working with kids?

Talk to Parents, Problem Solve with Teachers, Principals and other staff members, Work on Committees, Run Programs, etc..


Someone in our building that I work with a lot is our School Psychologist. What is their name?

Ms. Rivers!


What is my favorite food?



How do you get to see a School Counselor?

Google Forms!

If you need to see me you all have been sent the link to see me via google forms on your chrome books!

 I also have check in requests outside my door. You will need to put your first and last name and the issue.

You can also ask your teachers or parents to contact me that you wish to talk to me.

*Always ask or send a form, if you just pop your head in it may not be a good time for me to help you or you could be interrupting my time with another student, teacher, or parent.

What are my classroom expectations during our lessons?

I expect you to be respectful of my words and time, responsible, ready to learn, and green zone ready!


Do I ever work with other School Counselors?

Yes! I work with our other school Counselor here, Mrs. Woodin and I go to meetings in the district to collaborate with other school counselors.

Name three tools that I use as a School Counselor?
Computer, books, games, art materials, music, fidget toys, sensory items

What kind of pet do I have?

A dog ~ named Niko


What should I do with the note requesting to see you!

Put it in my mailbox on my door or give it to your teacher!


Classroom Lessons are supposed to help students make good ________?



How many kids do I work with at once?

I see about 300 students total, but not all at once. I will see various students individually, multiple in small groups, or a whole class!


What are two things you think I love doing when I am not at school?

Hiking, Reading, video games, spending time at home, staying in my pjs all day, watching TV, and watching sunsets!


Why did I become a School Counselor!

I became a School Counselor because I love working with kids and I think it is so important everyone has a place and a person then can express and work through big feelings, problems, and concerns. My goal is to help everyone grow into the person they hope to be!


Will I get to see you right away if I write a note?

That depends!! If it is an emergency, I will get to you as soon as possible.

If you just want to check in or chat about something then it might take a couple of days, but I will always work to see each of you as soon as possible!


Will I teach any subjects like math, science, history, or English?

Nope! My teaching goals consist of social emotional learning opportunities. So by that I mean peer conflicts, handling big feelings, handling issues at school, and handling problems at home. 


What type of things do school counselors do?

Individual counseling, small-group counseling, classroom lessons, and working with your teachers to give you a fun and safe time at school.


The character trait of the month is ?

What is responsibility