Most popular book ever written
The Old Testament was written by people
Who/What is this Holy Spirit thing? Can I touch it?
Holy Spirit came to show the power of truth, and ensure the authority of God was clear and that teachers were actually teaching the right things. John 14:25-26, John 16:12-13, I Cor 2:12-13, II Peter 1:20-21, II Tim 3:16.
Critics Say the bible is inaccurate and has changed over time, but we have evidence. What evidence do we have?
Dead Sea Scrolls
The teacher of this class is?
Mr. Josh and Mr. Alex, NOT Max!
Two main divisions of the bible?
Old /New Testament
The New Testament was written by people.
True, but the content comes from God! I Cor 2:6-13
I Thes 2:13
What if Bible is not inspired by God?
THer would be no right/wrong, morals, or hope.
Historians have never found many of the people in the bible.
Daily Double!
Several examples include: King David, other examples we talked about in class is Pilate. Extra points for any others you can remember.
The layers of dirt that we use to date things and prove things like earthquakes is called?
Divided 17 times into?
Recite 17 time periods.
That's out dated and old fashioned, it doesn't fit with our current culture.
God's ways are higher than our ways. Isaiah 55:8-9
What if Bible is inspired by God?
Truth, Peace Love, Hope.
Old people said things were going to happen, and young people saw it and wrote about it. This is called?
Double points if you can explain why it matters.
The book of Hezikiah is in which testament?
None - not a book.
Written over 1500 years, by 40 different men, there is still one plot line?
Jesus, redemption, Love.
The Bible is not inspired by God, Men have been writing and conspiring.
It is not possible for these men without a consistent God to have all agreed across multiple cultures, generational differences, and even languages. This would have lead to disagreements in terminology alone "brah".
There is a lack of contradictions in the bible, if you choose to hear, what is the message?
Consistent ideas about God's love, God's nature, and God fulfilling his promises.
The bible is historically accurate and says a World Wide Flood was a major event, we should see evidence that it happened.
What is the shortest chapter of the bible?
Psalm 117
What is the biggest event that happened in the bible?
Jesus Death and Resurrection.
Whatever they want to, I won't change my mind, why don't we move on to something else?
Matt 28: 18-20 We need to be ready so we can teach others, we are instructed to teach. Matt 13:1-23 (Parable of the sower) helps us understand how it works, but we must be ready with the seed.
How do we know who was inspired and who wasn't?
Miracles - giving Biblical Authority.
Nobody can walk on water! They made that up! How else could you explain something so crazy?
Jesus used miracles to prove his authority and to prove his truth.
What scientific references are made in the bible? Were any wrong?
Isaiah 40:22 - Earth is round
Psalm 8:8 - currents of the sea
Jeremiah 1:5 - we are created in the womb and "alive".