What two words describe you best?
The two words that describe me best are...
What is your perfect Saturday?
My perfect Saturday is . . .
What is your favorite subject in school? (Lunchtime/recess doesn't count!) What is your least favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school is... My least favorite subject in school is...
Who are your best friends? What makes them your best friend?
My best friends are....He/She is my best friend because...
Have you traveled outside of Philadelphia before? If so, where?
I have/have not traveled outside of Philadelphia...
My favorite music artist is __________.
My favorite music artist is ____________.
How are you a good friend? Why?
I consider myself a good friend, I feel this way because...
Do you love math, like math, hate math?
I love math, like math, hate math
MATH: 4 + 3 =
MATH: 2 x 5
MATH: 0 + 6 =
RAPID FIRE GROUP: What was your favorite thing about this summer?
My favorite thing about this summer was...
My two most favorite foods are _______________.
My two most favorite foods are _______________.
If you could be principal for the day, what changes would you make at school?
If I could be principal for the day, I would...
Have you ever lived other than Philadelphia?
I have lived in . . . .
MATH: 6 + 7 =