What is the name of our school?
Central Mountain Middle School
What is our classroom number?
room 301
What time does school start?
8:05 a.m.
Who is our assistant principal?
Mrs. Lee
What is the number one thing teachers do not like for their students to do to each other or to other students?
Bully, or be mean
Spell your teacher's last name
Who is our Principal?
Mr. Peters
How many hours are in the school day?
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Raise their hand.
Someone fell down and got hurt in the hallway or outside. What should you do?
See if they need help, get a teacher
What is Dr. Miller's job in our school?
5th Grade Guidance Counselor
What is your Phys. Ed. teacher's name?
Mrs. Hanna
What is our school mascot?
The Wildcat
Someone calls out in class. What should you do?
Mind your own business and let the teachers handle it.
Name one new student you have met in class this year? *Must be a new student that you haven't met before.
Answers will vary
What is the most important meal of the day?
What are 3 words to describe your first day of school?
Any answer will do.
What behaviors earn PBIS points?
completing work, raising hand to speak, staying in seat/area, following directions, being respectful, kind, responsible, safe, etc.
How long is lunch?
30 minutes
Scenario: an alarm goes off while you’re in the classroom. What do you do?
Don't panic! Do what your teacher tells you.
Where is our school located?
Mill Hall, PA
What will earn you an automatic 0 PBIS point?
leaving the classroom without permission, inappropriate language, putting your hands/feet on staff or peers, destroying property, not completing work, etc.
What are the names of the teachers on the Gray Team? There are 3.
Mrs. Merrifield, Mrs. Calhoun, Mr. Miller
What can you earn with your PBIS points? Think about your Dojo points from elementary school.
School rewards, prizes from the classroom store, team rewards.
What is something that you would like to learn about in Social Studies?
Answers will vary