1 words to describe school?
Whose classroom are we connected to and beside??
What time does school start?
8:55 am
Who is our school secretary?
Ms. Crawford
What is the number one thing teachers do not like for her students to do to one another?
Bully, or be mean.
What is the name of your teacher?
Mrs. Guichon
Who is our Principal?
How many hours are in the school day?
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Raise their hand and ask to go
Do we allow cell phones out in class?
Who did Ms.Guichon like to eat from Emma Lea Farms?
Blueberry Milkshake
What is our school color?
Navy Blue
Who or what is our mascot?
Name the names of the new students to our class this year?
Ella, Alastair, Ashaun
What is the most important meal of the day?
What are 2 words to describe your first day of school?
Are you allowed to wear hats in the classroom?
When are you allowed to go in the back forest?
On Friday's with supervision or a teacher
Scenario: an alarm goes off while you’re in classroom. What do you do?
Don't panic! Do what your teacher tells you.
What is the city our school is in ?
What grade are you in?
4 and 5
What's the name of our school?
Pebble Hill Elementary
What province do we live in?
British Columbia
Finish this phrase - Integrity is doing the right thing ___________________________________