What is the name of our school?
Enlighten Heart Education Center
What is our classroom number?
What time does after school start?
2:00 pm
Who is our TA?
What is our #1 classroom rule?
Listen for directions!
Spell your teacher's name.
Ms. J-A-N-E-T
Shi Lao Shi
Who lives in Buddha Hall
How many hours are in the regular after school day?
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Raise their hand.
Tell another classroom rule in Shi Laoshi's class.
Respect everyone.
Be kind to others and things.
Clean up after yourself.
Always do our best!
What is Shi Laoshi's favorite color?
Who is 大班‘s teacher?
Ms. Patty
Xiao Lao Shi
What does Enlighten Heart's logo have?
kids studying, kid playing, and an origami
True or False:
I can bent a page in a classroom book because I read it and feel like doing it.
How many children does Shi Laoshi have?
0 or a lot!
What is the most important meal of the day?
What are 3 words to describe your first day of school?
Any answer will do.
Would you rather go out to space or to the bottom of the ocean?
Any answer will count.
20 minutes
What do we learn during Chinese class
stories, 弟子規, 中文 etc
Where is our school located?
Our school is located in San Jose.
What grade are you in?
It depends on who answers!
What is Shi Laoshi's favorite food?
What is the first thing you will do at 3pm at after school?
Name another teacher at Enlighten Heart
Ms. Waddell