What is the name of the school ?
Who can you make jokes to?
ONLY to your best friend, not to the others you know very little !
When is your lunch time?
What are 2 Don'ts in class?
Talking over /Gossiping about others
Being disrespectful
What should your voice level be when the teacher is speaking?
0 or 1
What time does 1st period start?
What time does the school day end?
Number of days you have to complete work when absent?
3 days
Scenario: A student has to go to the restroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
nothing except waiting until the break and then going to restroom
What is the procedure for fire drill?
Line up at door, follow directions
Exit the building
Who is the assistant principal?
Mrs. Ebru
What do you need to have with you every day in class?
Positive attitude
What is your favorite subject and why?
Variety of answers
What should you do if someone you know is being bullied/beaten by others
Tell the teacher or a counselor
When will the teacher call home?
When you don't follow expectations
What is the name of our principal?
Mr. Erol
What are 3 words to describe your first day of school?
Any answer will do.
What is the most important expectation from you?
Be ready, be respectful, be responsible
What is the first thing after saying good morning or afternoon should you do when you enter the classroom?
Get all materials you need and begin your warm up.
Homework more than _____weeks overdue is not accepted.
2 weeks
Who is your counselor?
Ms. Aylin
What pets do I have?
Name 3 of our class expectations and goals.
Come to class on time.
Be respectful.
Complete assigned work.
No cell phones.
Use Chromebooks appropriately.
Use appropriate language.
Use time wisely.
What do you do if you don't hear the directions?
Raise your hand ask the teacher to repeat
What should you do before leaving the classroom?
Clean up area and put everything back in its proper place.
Sit in your chair until the teacher tells you to go out
Where is our restroom
next to the stairs
How many kids do I have?
What are supposed to do when you can't come to school?
Call the class teacher.
What does respect mean to you?
What is your favorite animal and why?
What time do you go home?
How long have I been teaching at this school?
since last year
What should you do with the phones?
put them on the teacher table.
Where do you turn in assignments?
Pass it up to the classmates in front of you.
What is the best way for your parent to contact me ?
mobile: 05057781135
smoke signals
pigeon posts