What is the name of our school mascot?
What are the secretaries' names?
Mrs. Alves and Mrs. Castro
What time does school start?
What are 2 of Mr. Norman's pet peeves?
Talking over others
Being disrespectful
What should your voice level be when Mr. Norman is speaking?
What time is specialist?
What time does the school day end?
How much homework do you have each night?
None as long as you get your work done in class.
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
What is the procedure for fire drill?
Line up at door
Exit the building
Who is the assistant principal?
Mrs. Ziemer
What do you need to have with you every day in class?
Charged Chromebook
Positive attitude
What is the Health teacher's name?
Mrs. Klinker
What should you do if someone you know is being bullied.
Tell the teacher or a counselor
Where do you go for car pick up?
What is the name of our principal?
Mr. Newall
What is the librarian's name?
Mrs. Hodges
What is the STEM teacher's name?
Mrs. Carlson
What time is your lunch recess?
Who is the the school counselor?
Mrs. Hixson
What pets does Mr. Norman have?
2 dogs and 3 chickens
What is the PE teacher's name?
Mr. Lagerway
Who is the Health Room supervisor and Nurse?
What should you do before dismissal?
Clean up area and put everything back in its proper place.