What is your favorite song?
My favorite song is...
What is your favorite breakfast food?
My favorite breakfast food is...
Examples: pancakes, cereal, waffles, eggs, etc.
Do you have any pets? What kind of animal are they?
I have a pet...
Examples: dog, cat, fish, etc.
What is your favorite sport to play or watch?
My favorite sport to play is...
My favorite sport to watch is...
What is your favorite class at school?
My favorite class is...
Who is your favorite character? This character can be from a movie, television show, or book.
My favorite character is...
What is your favorite dessert?
My favorite dessert is...
Examples: ice cream, cookies, cake, etc.
What is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is...
Examples: whale, sharks, fox, etc.
How can we find out if our peers like to make crafts?
<Peer Name>, do you like to make crafts?
What is the hardest class for you at school?
The hardest class for me is...
How can we find out peers' favorite characters from a movie, television show, or book?
<Name of Peer> WHO is your favorite character?
What is your favorite food to have for dinner?
My favorite food to have for dinner is...
Examples: pizza, cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, etc.
How can we find out peers' favorite animals?
<Peer's Name>, what is your favorite animal?
How can we find out if our peers like to use technology? Technology could mean playing games or watching YouTube
<Peer Name>, do you like to use technology?
How can we find out our peers' favorite classes?
<Peer Name>, what is your favorite class?
How can we find out peers' favorite song?
*BONUS* Can you sing a line from the song?
<Peer's Name>, WHAT is your favorite song?
*BONUS* Sing a line from the song
What is a food you can make?
I can make my own...
Examples: sandwich, pour cereal, etc.
How can we find out if peers' have pets?
<Peer Name>, do you have any pets? WHAT kind of animal are they?
How can we find out peers' favorite sports to play or watch?
*BONUS* How can we find out their favorite team?
<Peer Name>, do you have a favorite sport to play or watch?
<Peer Name>, what is your favorite sports team?
How can we find our which class is hardest for our peers?
<Peer Name>, what class is hardest for you?
If you were going to participate in the school talent show, what would your talent be? Ask a peer what they would do.
If I were in the talent show I would...
<Peer Name>, if you were in the talent show, WHAT would you do?
What is your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is...
Examples: Applebee's, McDonald's, Burger King, etc.
Describe your pet using details, such as name, size, and color. Ask a peer to do the same.
My pet is named... He is (size)... He is (color)...
How can we find out what our peers would like to be when they grow up?
<Peer Name>, what would you like to be when you grow up?
I want to learn more about...