What's Ms. Kehr's favorite food?
Where is the school counseling office located?
On the first floor behind the main office.
True or False: My counselor can help me learn new coping skills.
Can I see my counselor if I'm having issues with a friend and need advice?
After I leave my counselor's office, they will call my parent to tell them everything I said. True or False?
How many years has Ms. Kehr been at SCMS?
This is her 3rd year!
How many counselors are there at Silver Creek?
Is talking to my counselor the same as going to therapy?
True or False: I have to have a pass from my teacher in order to talk to my counselor during class time.
If I talk about issues I am having with my friend, will my counselor tell my friend I came down?
What is one of Ms. Kehr's hobbies?
- Walking around the city
- Cooking
- Art
- Taking care of plants
What is our counseling secretary's name?
Ms. Oldfield
What kind of counseling is this: Five students and the counselor meet together every week to learn coping skills?
Group counseling
If you need to see your counselor, what can you do? (Name both ways)
Fill out the google form. If it is urgent, you can ask your teacher for a pass.
What does confidentiality mean?
Confidentiality means that everything you share with your counselor stays between the two of you.
What MCPS high school did Ms. Kehr attend?
Wootton High School
What is our counseling intern's name?
Ms. Quiroz
Counselors serve as advocates for our students. What does this mean?
We stand up for you, protect you, and make sure that all of your needs are met.
Can I only see my school counselor if I have a big issue?
No! We see ALL students.
Why does a counselor need to break confidentiality on certain occasions?
To protect you and keep you safe.
Why did Ms. Kehr become a counselor?
Her counselor made a big difference in her life and she wants to be able to do the same for all of her students.
Name all of the counselors
6 - Ms. Kehr
7 - Ms. Levine and Ms. Robinson
8 - Mr. Harried
Name the three areas in which your counselor can support you.
1. Social and emotional needs
2. Academic support
3. Planning for the future
Which of the following is NOT an urgent issue?
A. I feel like I might hurt myself
B. I'm bored in class
C. I'm really worried about a friend
B. I'm bored in class
What are the three exceptions to confidentiality?
- You are going to hurt yourself
- You are going to hurt someone else
- Someone is hurting you