What three words describe I would use to describe myself best?
Spontaneous, obsessive, joyful
I like to _______________ on the weekend.
What is your favorite subject in school? (Lunchtime/break doesn't count!) What is your least favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school is Art. My least favorite subject in school is english
Who do I live with?
Dad, brother, grandma and grandpa
Who is my best friend?
Have I traveled outside of South Carolina before? If so, where?
I have! Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Kentucky.
My favorite band is __________.
Cypress Hill or ICP
What are my plans once I graduate high school?
After I graduate high school, I would like to go to college and become a mechanic
If I could have any pet in the world, what would it be?
A cat
Do I consider yourself a good friend?
Ig?. I'm the type of friend to laugh at you when you fall but then help you up ONLY when I'm done laughing
What's my favorite color
If I could be any animal, I would want to be a ___________.
If you could be principal for the day, what changes would you make at school?
If I could be principal for the day, I would make where phones can be legal, wear what ever you want. No homework and every Wednesday is a free day.
Which family member are you closest to?
My grandma
If I could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
What do I think I'm good at?
Math, baseball, science
My least favorite thing to do is ___________.
Clean... Or do english
What do I do during my lunch break?
Smoke and sit with you ofc.
How do I help out around the house?
Cool, clean, dishes, cut grass, clothes
What are some qualities in a friend I feel are important?
Responsibility, and vibe
*Group Question!* What was your favorite thing about this summer?
My favorite thing about this summer was...
My two most favorite things to do are _______________.
Sing and play games
What are my goals for this school year?
To pass
What are the interests of your family members?
My mom is drugs... dad football and collecting things. sister, roblox, hello kitty, piano. brother, pokemon, startwars. Grandma, Disney. Grandpa, American and Disney.
What do most of my friends have that I don't
A car