What is your favorite kind of music?
My favorite music is...
What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school is...
Why did you decide to be apart of this mentorship program?
I did this program because...
What is your favorite movie/tv show?
My favorite movie/tv show is...
Are there any subjects you would LOVE to take a class on but haven't?
I would love to take a class on...
What are you looking to gain from this mentorship?
Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
I consider myself...
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are...
What are you interested in studying in college?
In college, I would like to study...
Is there anything about this mentorship that makes you uncomfortable or nervous?
I am nervous about...
I would travel to...
Are there any hobbies you would like to learn?
I would like to learn...
What job sounds interesting to you?
I want to be...
Do you have any ideas for our project?
For our project, I would like to...