Who is your guidance counselor?
Ms. Mela
Are you ever in trouble when you go to see your school counselor?
Does the counselor keep what I say private?
Yes! Unless you are in danger of being hurt or someone else is in danger of being hurt or you are going to hurt yourself.
Are school counselors in charge of discipline?
No, that is the job of teachers and the discipline officer.
How do I set up a time to meet with Ms. Mela?
You can either tell me you need to see me (personally or through email) or ask your teacher to let me know you want to see me.
Where did I attend college?
Centro Escolar University
What are things your counselor can help you with?
Academic achievement, personal, social development, career development
How often will I see you for guidance classes? What day?
At least once a month, on a Wednesday
Will my counselor tell my teacher if I have any complaints about a class or conflict with a teacher?
Your counselor will not tell your teacher without your permission.
Where is the counselor's office?
In between the conference rooms at the JHS building.
How many pets do I have?
Do you have to be going through a major crisis to see your counselor?
Counselors support ALL students whether they need a lot or a little help.
What are some things counselors do?
Individual sessions, guidance classes, small group sessions, talk with teachers, talk with parents
Besides students, who does your counselor work with?
Teachers, administrators, school staff, parents, and community members.
What are the four exceptions to confidentiality?
*Someone is hurting you. *You want to hurt someone. *You want to hurt yourself. *You give me permission to share.