Your School Counselor
Why see a school counselor?
More about your school counselor
What does a school counselor do?

Who is your school counselor?

Mrs. Kliewer


Why do students usually ask to see their counselor?

They have a problem or conflict or just need someone to really listen to them.


Who does your counselor support?

Students, parents, teachers, and administrators


Why do counselors teach students social skills and emotional skills?

School is practice and preparation for adulthood.


What is confidentiality?

Keeping conversations between people private.  Not telling others what was said unless absolutely necessary.


What kind of dog does she have?

A Yellow Lab named Sage!


Are you ever in trouble when you go to see your school counselor?

No. I don't give out any discipline! Sometimes I have to have difficult conversations, but I do not hand out any discipline. 


What do counselors teach coping skills to help handle?

Strong emotions & hard situations that people face


What are some things counselors do?

Talk with students individually, classroom lessons, small groups, talk with teachers, talk with parents or other staff


What are the four exceptions to confidentiality?

*Someone is hurting you.  *You want to hurt someone. *You want to hurt yourself.  *You give me permission to share.


What does she like to do? 

Read, Travel, Run, Cook


What are things your counselor can help you with?

Feelings, family, classes, friends, organization, teachers, grades, test anxiety . . . just to name a few


Name three ways your counselor might work with students?

Individually, Large Groups, Small Groups


Are school counselors in charge of discipline?

No, that is the job of teachers and school administrators.


How do I report something without other students knowing about it?

Email or come visit with me or Mrs. Toepfer.


How many years total has she been in education?



Can you come to your counselor if your family has needs for food or other resources?

Yes! Absolutely. I also have clothes, hygiene items, and usually food in my office for anyone who needs it.


Besides students, who does your counselor work with?

Teachers, administrators, school staff, and parents


Will my counselor tell my teacher if I have any complaints about a class or conflict with a teacher?

Your counselor will not tell your teacher without your permission.


How do I set up a time to meet with Mrs. Kliewer?

Send me an email, or drop by my office. I will do my best to get with you ASAP. If it is an emergency or crisis come see me, tell a teacher, or go to the office. 


What did she do before becoming a School Counselor? 

I am a Licensed Mental Health Provider. I helped people solve problems and learn to cope with their feelings.


Do you have to be going through a major crisis or to see your counselor?

Counselors support ALL students whether they need a lot or a little help. 


What are some ways your counselor can help you when you're feeling anxious?

Talking it through, breathing exercises, fidgets, and practicing coping skills.


How does your counselor advocate for you?

Standing up for students; being the "voice" for students in meetings; being a go-between for students and teachers.


Where is the counselor's office?

Right here in the cabin, and in the High School, right past Ms. April's office.