Esther Rottenstreich's sisters
Who are Shira and Tova Rottenstreich?
The year Bentzion Yadler emigrates from Russia to Jerusalem
What happened in 1800?
It is made of real gold
What is the ring made of?
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Who wins a Nobel prize in 1978?
He was six years old
How old was my grandfather when his father changed his name?
Yitzchock Ahisar's sisters
Who are Sara Rivka and Nechama Ahisar?
The year Tzvi Tovya Rottenstreich emigrates from Galicia to Jerusalem
What happened in the early 1900?
It dates back around 100 years
How old is the ring?
March, 2010
When was Yitzchok and Esti's wedding?
It was my great-grandmothers name
Where does my middle name, Rivka, come from?
Nachman Rottenstreich
Who was born in 1951?
Joseph Pheterson emigrates as a baby with his family from Russia to Rochester
What happened in 1924?
They date back around fifty years
How old are the Kiddush cups?
What is the country Nachman Rottenstreich emigrated to?
What was my grandfather's original last name?
Leah Pheterson
Who is Esther Rottenstreich's mother?
Leah and Nachman Rottenstreich
Who moves from New Jersey to Montreal for work?
They were gifted to my father at his Bar Mitzvah
Why are the kiddush cups important to my family?
February, 1985
When was Malky and Yaron's wedding?
Redemption: being saved from imprisonment
What does Geula mean?
Nachman Rottenstreich
Who is Esther Rottenstreich's father?
Yitzchok moves from New York To Montreal for marriage
Who moves where in the year 2010?
It was given to my mother at her Bat Mitzvah from her mothers very close friend
Why is the ring significant to my family?
The rescue of Ethiopian jews in 1984-1985
What is operation Moses?
Because I was born the day after Tisha B'av
Why was I named Geula?