what % of income do low-income families spend on paying off debts
what does the FAFSA stand for?
free application for federal student aid
what are 3 tips while being interviewed
be passionate about the job
show interest in the job
research about the compony
Your friend and co worker is behind on homework and asks you to cover their shift for them. You agree because you could use the extra money. The day of, however, you’re really not in the mood and would rather hang out with your friends. It wasn’t even your shift to begin with and your friend is capable of doing it, it’s not they’re sick or anything. What should you do?
take their shift you said you would
what are main things you see on a pay check
name, address, social securities number
what is the average salary of the lowest paying jobs of a bachelor degree
what are direct loans
available loans on financial needs
ATS systems collect scan resumes
Your parents ask you to pick up your 10 year old sister at her soccer practice because they’re both working late. You’re busy doing school work when it comes time to pick her up. You think about texting her and seeing if she could find someone else to give her a ride home.
no you go get her and bring her home safely
pay period
time you worked
what are the top five paying bachelor degrees
computer science
all of engineering
management info systems
what are private student loans
loans given through the credit union
3 tips for crating a resume
keep short and to the point
get creative
target each job you want
You’re asked to do a take home test completely by yourself without help from others. After class your friend asks if you want to split the test up so you both only have to do half of the work. This is a pretty worthless test anyway. You know most of the stuff and it’s nothing that’s going to help you in real life.
nah be honest if you know what to do just do it
government takes some money from your check
what are the top 5 paying technical/professional training jobs
dental hygienist
MRI tech
respiratory therapist
engineering tech
aircraft mechanic
what are direct unisized loans
available to undergraduate
pay the loans in time
you can make more friends a month by becoming....
Since getting a job your parents have told you they expect you to pay for any “extras” in your life. They’ve mentioned clothes and going out with your friends and going out to eat as some of the things they expect you to pay for. At school you decide to join DECA to boost your resume. There’s a $25 fee to join. You’ll have the money to pay for it on your next paycheck but this is a school thing so you’re parents would probably pay for it.
no you pay for it
subtracted money
what is the lowest paying technical/professional training?
hair and nails
what does the FAFSA offer?
tuition and fees, a room, transport and, supplies
true or false you should not attach social media to your reassume
Your co worker takes some money out the tip cup to go and buy you guys a soda. There’s other workers the tips are supposed to be split between but it’s only a few bucks and you don’t want to make your co worker feel weird and judged.
let them only take it by the end of the day after work
tax fraud
you own more money but you didn't give enough