The Agents that are within 200 miles from the ___ and ____ border are known as_____?
What is U.S. / Mexico, Southwest Border Agents (SWB).
What is the name of the Search Option in AS400 used to locate all Locations linked to a single CID or NID?
What is AIM Inquiry Screen?
Which country has the most time zones?
What is France?
¿Qué cosa pasa por el agua y no se moja?
Que es La sombra?
What is the Difference between SWB Network Location Program Reviews and SWB Independent Agent Program Reviews?
What is:
For independent agents, WUCOs are to use the existing template in iWatch for SWB oversight. "SWB Regional Independent/Network Location Agent Review Questionnaire v3".
For a SWB Network Location program review, WUCOs should use the “US Regional Network Location Questionnaire V3” Template in iWatch. In addition WUCOs are to complete and upload the attached template to their case. "SWB Addendum _US Regional Questions for Network Locations" Word doc.
What regions do we work/support in LAROC?
What are the 4 Dummy Accounts/ Codes found in AS400?
What are codes 0068, 0069, 6813, US650?
What was Australia's former name?
What is New Holland?
Mientras estoy preso existo, si me ponen en libertad muero.
Que es El secreto?
After what amount of completed attempts do we need to escalate to ASE/ Sales for both Onbording and Compliance Program Reviews if agent is non responsive/ unreachable?
What is after 3 Completed attempts, WUCO's are to reach out to Sales if agent is non responsive/ unreachable?
What are the names of the cities and Regions of our most recent GFS world domination locations*? *Sites
What is Manila, Philippines for APAC and Pune, India for MEA.
During what week do we need to have all appointments scheduled in iWatch?
What is Week 5?
Which country has the world’s largest concentration of animals?
What is Tanzania?
What month of the year has 28 days?
What is All of them?
What are the Elements/Sections reviewed during a New Agent Onboarding Review? Name at least 5.
What is the name of the Financial Regulator for WUPSIL Agents?
What is Central Bank of Ireland? (CBI)
What is the Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Networks?
What is:
Centralized:All locations belong to a true Network ID (dummy networks do not count) and a centralized compliance program (one Network CO for all locations).
Decentralized: All locations belong to a true Network ID (dummy networks do not count).Each location has its own individual Agent CO.
What is the Largest city in the World?
What is Tokyo / Japan / 37.28 million?
¿Qué es lo que se pone sobre la mesa, se corta, se reparte, se sirve y no se come?
Que es Los naipes?
For FTC-22 Renewals and Re-certifications, what is the Previous History Period required to determine if a New Compliance Review is required for each Independent and Master Agents? (Previous Reviews).
What is while conducting the Agent Renewal/Re-certification Review, GFO/GFS determines if the AD has been previously reviewed (Program Reviews conducted before January 1st, 2018 are not accepted as previous Program Reviews) within the last 18 months for Master/Network Agents and within the last 12 months for Independent Agents.
What is the Name of the Activity that Dan brought to the previous Office Hours?
What is Name the Artist and The Piece/Panting?
What is Advanced Search > Agent > Location ID > "=" > Input Loc ID in Value > Search > Right Click > "View Case List".
What is a flock of crows is known as?
What is Murder?
*2 Crows - Attempted Murder.
Where does today come before yesterday?
What is The dictionary?
What is the Revision date of the Global New Agent Onboarding, Renewal, and Re-certification Review Desk Reference Guide?
What is August 7th, 2020?