DDAT Screenings
Tenovi Devices
GGP Misc

Which 2 DDAT Screenings should be completed in an IG1? 

AAFP + Social Isolation


What is a Z-Code?

A code that specifies social determinants of health a patient may be experiencing  


What are the benefits of a patient consenting to CCM?

Consistent check ins from their care team via weekly surveys, quick response for any medical concerns that may arise, ability to send and receive direct communications with their care team 


What additional form will need a signature if the PCP requests a Tenovi device for a patient? 

RPM : "Remote Patient Monitoring" 


What information is provided to us each morning on the "Tear Sheets"?

DDAT and HEDIS screenings that paients coming into clinic that day still need completed 


How do you make sure the needed DDAT screenings are pre-populated into the Athena IG1 visit? 

Update "Reason For Visit" in Athena to "Initial Gathering 1 PCP + GGP" 


Where in Athena should Z-Codes be added to during/after an IG1? 

A/P Section of the IG1 Visit + Athena Problem List


What is a crucial piece of information for GGP's to mention before obtaining CCM Consent from a patient? 

The service will be billed to their insurance and they may or may not be subjected to a copay 


Explain what the different colors that can appear on the Tenovi Gateway mean

Blinking Purple: Searching for device signal 

Red: Reading is needed 

Green: Reading is completed 


What 2 appointment types should GGP's never use when scheduling appointments for patients? 

"Any 20" and "IG1" 

What kind of information does the AAFP help you obtain? 

Potential issues with housing arrangements, food insecurity, transportation, employment, finances, or education 


How do I know which Z-Code is most appropriate? 

Utilize the "Community Referral Mapping" sheet on the Gather SharePoint 


What are the 6 next steps that need to be taken in an IG1 if patient consents to CCM? 

1. Activate CCIQ profile,

2. Select appropriate protocol, 

3. Send first communication, 

4. Assist patient with account registration and completing first protocol on their device, 

5. Adjust "billing type" in CCIQ, 

6. Upload and label CCM in Athena 


What is an important thing to remember as you are completing a patient's first device reading in an IG1? 

Patient needs to be able to use the device independently with little to no physical assistance from the GGP 


How should a refill request for a previously prescribed medication by Gather be sent to a PCP? 

Athena Order Group