It's a nice day, so I will relax on a _____________ on the beach.
What is the name of today's story?
Animals In The News
What two animals are in the text we read in today's class?
goats and bears
The giraffe was wearing shoes and a dress. It was very _____________.
What animal did we see in the video at the beginning of class?
Why were goats climbing trees?
Because they wanted to eat fruit.
Small parts of a tree goats hop on to get the best fruit.
What is today's text type?
newspaper article
Why did the bear leave the hammock the first time?
Because he heard a strange noise.
My teacher always gives me homework, but today she didn't. I was very ____________.
What is today's reading skill?
cause and effect
What did people in this neighbourhood do after they heard about the bear in the hammock?
They put away their trash and took their hammocks inside.