Which son had strong legs?
When I opened the box there was nothing inside. It was ____________.
What is the name of today's story?
The Bundle of Sticks
What lesson did the four sons learn?
When you work together you are stronger than being alone.
There was a hole in my bottle of water, so the water _____________ out.
What is today's reading skill?
Why was the man on the farm not happy?
Because his ox hurt himself when he was moving the rock in the field.
The sons could break one stick easily, but the y could not break the __________ of sticks.
What is a fable?
It is a fiction story, many times with animal characters, that teaches a lesson.
What was the father doing when he thought of a good idea?
He gathering fire and wood.
My brother and I have different opinions about movies. We never agree, and always ___________ with each other.
What is synthesizing?
It is when you put all of the information together to see it in a new way.