Cupcakes, muffins, and ice cream are all examples of ___________.
What is visualize?
To create or imagine a picture in your mind when you are reading.
Who is the second eldest sibling?
What is the name of today's story?
How the Sun, Moon and Wind Went Out to Dinner
Who is the aunt and uncle of Sun, Wind and Moon?
Thunder and Lightening
He's good at waiting. He's a ___________ person.
What is a folktale?
It is a fiction story that has been told many times that teaches a lesson.
How are Sun and Wind greedy?
Because they didn't bring Star any food from dinner.
The car was moving quickly. I had to quickly jump out of the way to ____________ it.
How can you be greedy? Give 4 examples - one point for each correct answer.
accept all reasonable answers
Why will people on Earth dislike Sun, according to Star?
Because his rays will be hot and burning. People will cover their heads when they see him.