To turn on the lights, charge your computer, and watch TV we need ____________.
What could phonograpghs do?
Phonographs could record or copy music, so people could listen to music at home.
What is the name of today's text?
The Amazing Inventions of Thomas Edison
It was difficult to read my book because the light in my room was ____________.
Name two inventions Thomas Edison created.
The phonograpgh, the light bulb (powered by electricity), and the motion picture camera.
What is an essay?
It is a short non-fiction writing that people write to show what they have learned about a topic and what they think.
When you look through the ____________ on a microscope, you see small things much bigger than normal. It's really cool!
What could people do with a motion picture camera and viewer?
People could take pictures with the camera, and then look through a viewer and see the moving pciture played back.
What is the 2nd biggest country in the world?
We needed to put some paper udner the table to make sure it is ___________, and doesn't fall or shake.
Why could more people use Edison’s light bulb?
Because Edison's light bulbs didn't use much electricity, so more people could afford them.
What is today's reading skill?
identify new words