A community of living and nonliving things that interact with each other
The loss of plant-life, creating unusable soil
Emissions in the atmosphere that hold heat inside, warming the planet.
Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
This was .89 degrees higher in 2022 than in the mid-1900s (Be specific)
Global temperature
Switching to these could make your trip to school much greener and create approx. 50% fewer emissions than traditional means.
Electric Vehicles
Different from other ecosystems in that it is dominated by trees.
The other major issue occurring in deserts that is not desertification
Higher temperatures
Burning these for the creation of electricity/heat and transportation is seen as the main cause of climate change (General term)
Fossil Fuels
Precipitation has (increased or decreased) in desert areas in the past between 1984 and 2006?
Plant or animal material used to create fuel
Receives less than 25cm of precipitation per year
This has been the number one destroyer of forest ecosystems
Deforestation or clear-cutting
This accounts for nearly one quarter of global energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions and we use it every day (most of us).
This area of Canada (direction) was exceptionally warm in 2023 when compared to the 1991-2020 average.
Energy coming from steam or boiling hot water below the earth's surface
Geothermal Energy
Something that absorbs more carbon than it releases
Carbon Sink
Term for the measure of the cloudiness of water
Maintaining these consumes half of all electricity worldwide.
The rate of warming in the past 15 years has been ___% higher than warming since the 1970s
A downside of this type of energy is that the materials used can be noisy, unsightly, and can be damaged in high winds.
Wind Energy
Frost-molded landscapes
Oysters, crabs, bay anchovies and pipefish are examples of organisms that live in ____
Each year, approximately this many hectares of forests are cut down (clear-cut), according to the UN.
12 million
This natural disaster is more likely to occur and be more intense in Nova Scotia as a result of climate change.
A difficulty with this potential solution is that you need other forms of energy to be able to separate the hydrogen from water.