Long Held Grievances
Pillars of Community
Trials and Trebucheats
Characters of Creation
Boons and Dooms

You have been barred from your previously favorite establishment, the best in town. Your new establishment of choice is this

Bonus if the name shows that this isn't your first choice


That one thing everyone remembers you for.

Bonus points if alcohol was involved


A hunter came into your village/town and took away this person who you had a close relationship with.

Bonus if it was a family member


The name of your God and their Domain

Bonus if those two don't usually go together


Boon! You collected a +1 weapon of your choosing from this secluded place.

Bonus if you are a class that doesn't use weapons.


The person or thing that did this to you

Bonus if they killed a family member


This significant person took you under their wing, having taken on a heavy burden for doing so.

Bonus if they weren't the village leader


The king had hired you specifically for your expertise in this aspect to build a siege weapon that would "protect the kingdom from all manner of assailants."

Bonus if it trebuchet


You were divinely appointed to deal with this task that practically everyone before you had died horrifically.

Bonus if this ISN"T like a once in a generation deal.


DOOM! You were cursed at a young age to have this happen whenever you approach a church

Bonus if it somehow prevents you from going to any churches


Your rival got the better of you in this way at school and it was upsetting

Bonus if you never got over it


A disease came to plague your village/town, but this person came when the situation was at it's most dire.

Bonus if it not a healer


You took part in the storming of Firewatch island, which was horrible btw, how does it haunt you to this day?

Bonus points for blocking out the memory


Your M.O

Bonus points if it involved birds


Doom! A Fey creature had placed a charm on you that will cause your life to turn upside down/upheaved at the age of this

Bonus if it already happened


I suffered a sound defeat in my youth against a more  skilled opponent. I have shaped my fighting style this way to show that I will never make the same mistake again.



Your mentor was called into service to fight for their kingdom, leaving behind you with this prized possession.

Bonus if you plan on following them in the future


"Yeah, My character would definitely survive being thrown this distance."

Bonus if it like 100 ft or more


This time consuming, but very meticulous ritual allows you to commune with your God.

Bonus if it doesn't involve the usual incense or rolling stones

Boon! You were fortunate to start out your adventure with thousands and thousands of Gold to your name. Most of that is tied to this physical property

Bonus if it isn't like "the land" or something


A guild member you were close with was killed and the killer was never found. Years later, you found the only lead in the most unsuspecting place

Bonus if you were the killer all along


A dragon has literally taken you under it's wing. This is the best way to describe your new relationship.

Bonus if it an evil dragon.


You were responsible for delivering the one in a million shot to take down the enemy commander of a force heading to destroy your village/town, saving it from destruction. You were immediately rewarded with this in gratitude. 

Bonus if it by the king/queen


Your God was shot through the heart and your to blame. You are directly responsible for giving this a bad name.

Bonus if it isn't love


DOOM! Death flags have been following your character for almost a month now that have been manifesting as this.

Bonus if it literally flags