Paul D
Baby Suggs

Beloved showing this type of love towards Sethe throughout the book.

What is obsessive love?


The person who Denver believed had saved from her solitude.

Who was Beloved to Denver?


The man Sethe was trying to attack after leaving Beloved on the porch.

Who is Mr. Bodwin ?


the type of love Paul D shows towards Beloved

What is Erotic Love?


Baby Suggs preaches about this type of love in the Clearing

What is self love?


The person who was in her way of gaining Sethe full attention.

Who is Paul D to Beloved?


the character that Denver first sought out for help.

Who is Lady Jones?


The type of love that allowed for Sethe to kill Beloved and attempt to kill her other children to keep them out of slavery

What is Familiar Love ?


The type of love Paul D felt with all the Sweet Home men.

What is Affectionate Love?


Baby Suggs not turning Sethe away after she had killed Beloved shows this type of love

What is Unconditional Love


"So she did not ask Beloved how she knew about the earrings, the night walks to the cold house or the tip of the thing she saw when Beloved lay down or came undone in her sleep."- Page 141

How does the relationship between Paul D and Beloved show erotic love?


The quote "luckily for Denver, looking was food enough to last. But to be looked at in turn was beyond appetite; it was breaking through her own skin to a place where hunger hadn't been discovered" (pg.139 in red book) shows this type of love

What is obsessive love


"Too thick?" she said, thinking of the Clearing where Baby Suggs' commands knocked the pods off horse chestnuts. "Love is or it aint. Thin love ain't love at all." -Page 194

When Sethe is arguing with Paul D, how does she show her familiar love towards her children, especially Beloved?


"I want you to touch me on the inside part and call see my name." -Page 137

How is Erotic Love displayed between Beloved and Paul D?


"Still she was grateful for the effort; Baby Suggs long-distance love was equal to any skin-close love she had known." - Page 112

How is familiar love displayed through the relationship of Baby Suggs and Sethe?


"Beloved accused her of leaving her behind. Of not being nice to her, not smiling at her. She said they were the same, had the same face, how could she have left her? And Sethe cried, saying she never did, or meant to-that she had to get them out, away, that she had the milk all the time and had the money too for the stone but not enough." - Page 285

When does Beloved's obsessive love clash with Sethe's familiar and enduring love?


The quote "Aw no. Hey. Lay off Denver, Paul D. That's my heart. I'm proud of that girl. She was the first one wrestle her mother down." shows this type of love 

What is Enduring love


The quote "He leans over and takes her hand. With the other he touches her face. You your best thing, Sethe. You are." (Pg. 322) Shows this type of love

What is self-love ?


"Then give eem to me," he said and before she knew it he had backed into her, hoisted her on his back and was running down the road past brown fields turning white. Breathless at last, he stopped and she slid back down on her own two feet, weak from laughter." - Page 153

How is playful love shown between Sethe and Paul D?


"Finally Baby Suggs slapped the boys' hands away from the bucket and sent Stamp around the pump to rinse himself. Sh had decided to do something with the fruit worthy of the man's labor and his love." - Page 160

How does the relationship between Stamp Paid and Baby Suggs display enduring love?


How can obsessive love overpower or suck the life out of the one you claim to love ?



Which love do you think is portrayed as the most important in the novel



Does love make people do crazy things?


*if anyone thinks they have a better explanation*


What is the significance of Morrison showing how love can evolve into many different forms



Should self love be found before loving others?
