Careful not to fall down these ghastly stone steps located in Georgetown, DC.
The Exorcist Steps/Exorcist Stairs
Famously known as, The White House Ghost, the first known sighting of this apparition was recorded in a newspaper in 1903
Abraham Lincoln/Lincoln’s Ghost
Players solve the mystery of: who done it, with what, and this Hasbro game
He’s the “friendliest ghost you know”
This Little Debbie snack cake tastes of autumn spice and features a grin
Pumpkin Delights
You can stay the night at this crime scene turned bed-and-breakfast next time you’re in Massachusetts...
The Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast
This phantom is the world's best-known non-human ghost; A seventeenth-century merchant ship said to haunt the high seas
The Flying Dutchman
Players surround a participant while placing only their index fingers underneath in an attempt to levitate them
Light as a Feather Stiff as a Board
Transfixed on the television set, a little girl utters “They’re here...”
Grab this triangular shaped snack by the handfuls as it’s ingredients include plenty of sugar, corn syrup, artificial flavor, yellow 6, yellow 5, red 3 and gelatin
Candy Corn
This peninsula has a long history of strange goings-ons - from an unknown animal carcass washing ashore to time travel experiments at an Air Force Base
This dark animal spectre haunts the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Demon Cat/Black Cat
Playing as Sir Arthur, you must defeat zombies & demons to rescue the princess in this 1985 side-scroller by Capcom
Ghosts ‘n Goblins
This 1988 film is about a doll whose possessed by the spirit of a serial killer after a Haitian Voodoo spell is performed
Child’s Play
This sweet treat is covered in a sugar candy coating, sometimes rolled in nuts, with a stick inserted as a handle
Candy Apple
Try staying at this retired ocean liner turned haunted hotel in Long Beach, CA. without being stirred by spirits of old
Queen Mary
This Force-sensitive Human male played a legendary role in the fate of the galaxy during the waning days of the Galactic Republic
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ben Kenobi
Travel through macabre landscapes whipping monsters into shape in this side-scrolling platform-adventure by Konami
The children are screaming that the curtains are gone and the headstones in the cemetery belong to the servants
The Others
This 15th-century dessert serves best freshly baked with a cup of coffee as they are actually quite sponge-like and named after their shape
A widow’s 20 million dollar inheritance was used to continuously build this home to appease the restless spirits
Winchester House/Winchester Mystery House
This bard’s ghost is an integral role, appearing 3 times total in the famous story as without him there would be no play at all
King Hamlet
Released in 1993, roll and move in this murder-themed board game originally from Milton Bradley
13 Dead End Drive
A tiny wheelchair makes for a very ominous specter as Russell starts to feel the presence of a ghost after discovering a room almost frozen in time
The Changeling
“Pass the Chex Party Mix!” - This snack and cereal is sold by which major multinational American manufacturer
General Mills