The number of counselors that make up the Grant High Counseling team.
What is 6?
Finding your numerical average from grades earned from classes.
What is a GPA (Grade Point Average)?
A place to find contact information about your counselor, work permits, college presentations, scholarship resources, etc...
What is the Counseling Website?
ARC, AP and Honors Classes
What is will boost your GPA/GPA boost?
What are outreach and TRIO programs?
Students can earn a total of 60 credits a year (30 credits each semester).
What is the grading system?
I need to see my Counselor any day of the week except for Tuesdays.
What is making an appointment?
The number of credits required to earn a diploma?
What is 220?
A place to find assignments, announcements, tutoring information, school activities, grades and communicating with teachers and staff.
What is Google classroom and/or Aeries Communication?
A program used to make up a credits in classes needed to graduate.
What is Summer School?