Text Features (2.a.)
Organizational/Text Structures (2.b.)
Summary & Explication (2.d.)
Fact/Opinion (2.f.)
Figurative Language & Sound Devices (2.e.)
This section of text usually appears at the bottom of a page as a reference to a particular section in the main text, and it is usually marked off with a small number (1) or symbol (*).
What is a footnote?
Having no keywords, this is the most general of all organizational structures.
What is description?
This "super summary" takes only the most essential, most important main ideas of two excerpts and combines them in a single sentence.
What is an explication?
This is a statement which can be verified with investigation or research.
What is a fact?
This sound devices involves the repetition of a similar sound at the beginning of two or more words.
What is alliteration?
This section of text, appearing on the side of the page, offers additional information and commentary on some idea or term that the main text mentions.
What is a sidebar?
This organizational/text structure often uses prepositions to show how objects are arranged in relation to one another?
What is spatial order/spatial arrangement?
These sentences should be removed from summaries (and they should disqualify answer-choices) because they do not give objective, factual information derived from the given excerpts.
What is an opinion/inference?
This kind of statement is sometimes signalled with words like think or believe.
What is an opinion?
This is a common expression whose meaning is generally understood in a figurative and not in a literal way.
What is an idiom?
This text feature lists the sections or chapters of a larger text and sometimes gives information about page numbers where certain topics may be located.
What is a table of contents?
This structure considers the similarities and/or differences between multiple ideas or things.
What is comparison/contrast?
(This is one aspect of an SATP summary answer-choice.) This aspect is achieved when information from two excerpts receives equal or proportional space in the answer-choice.
What is balance?
This is the first part of MoMane's highlighter technique peculiar to answering fact/opinion questions.
What is highlighting the opinions?
The following is an example of this kind of figurative language: "As I listened, I felt the sharp knife-edge of her question."
What is a metaphor?
This text, which comes after the end of a larger work, offers additional commentary or information on the main subject of the text. It is sometimes written by an author other than the one who wrote the main text.
What is an afterword?
This structure describes how something is usually done or must be done, and it is often used in recipes and instruction manuals.
What is process/procedural order?
An explication, which should not contain any inferences, should also not contain any of this common form of figurative language.
What is an idiom?
The following is an example of this kind of statement: "I was only at Walt Disney World once when I was very young."
What is a fact?
The following is an example of this sound device: "I am astounded how he frowns whenever he misses a rebound."
What is assonance?
This text comes before a larger text and gives information either about the topics that will appear in the larger text or about the author's life and influences.
What is a preface or foreword?
This structure not only describes events but also gives an explanation or reason for one leading directly and necessary to the next.
What is cause & effect?
This aspect of an answer-choice is very important for "accurate and appropriate summary" questions, but not important for "research summary" and "explication" questions.
What is order?
The following is an example of this kind of statement: "I am too poor, and Walt Disney World is too expensive, for me to take a vacation there."
What is an opinion?
The following is an example of this kind of figurative language: "They squinted at Yoshinda, who had become nothing more than a blue ink stain as she walked away toward the horizon."
What is metaphor?