The dollar amount of a voucher for a B day shift
$10 unless covered ($15)
Ms. Kelso's first name
The princess who ate a poisoned apple
Snow White
Every 4 years
What has a ring but no finger?
A phone/a bell
Amount of followers (within 50) the instagram has?
Ms. Kelso's band name
The Dreaming Society
The disney princess whose mother turned into a bear
NFL stands for
National Football League
A man in a car saw a golden door, a silver door, and a bronze door. Which door did he open first?
The car door
Teacher of Student Store before Ms. Kelso
The number of sisters Ms. Kelso has and if they are older or younger
2, both younger
Which movie takes place in Arendelle
Diameter of a basketball hoop
18 inches
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
A candle
The Operations Manager last year
Kenlee Otteson
Ms. Kelso's favorite animal
The name of Snow White's prince
Prince Florian
When a bowler makes three strikes in a row
What can you keep after giving to someone?
Your word
Amount of posts the Student Store instagram has posted
Ms. Kelso's birth weight
3 lbs and 6 oz
The disney animated feature that has the most songs
Alice in Wonderland
Two states in the United States that have yet to send a team to the NCAA
Alaska and Maine
What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?
The letter O