Gallbladder Disease

These are risk factors for gallbladder disease - name at least 3

What are?:

Age over 40, family history, obesity, hyperlipidemia, female, oral contraceptive use, biliary stasis, Caucasian race 


This is the pathophysiology of pancreatitis

What is the pancreas releases enzymes into the tissue of the pancreas causing hemorrhage and necrosis?

Hepatitis A is transmitted in these 2 main ways

What is through contaminated food water shellfish, fecal oral route?  - ingestion of feces


This is the leading risk factor for cirrhosis

What is alcoholism?


This complication has most likely taken place if a patient with acute gallbladder disease complains of severe, sudden abdominal pain, rigid-board like abdomen, and lack of bowel sounds

What is perforation leading to peritonitis?


The type of meal that a patient with gallbladder disease has likely ingested prior to pain episode

What is a high fat meal?


The reason why foods and fluids are withheld during acute attacks

What is to decrease the release of pancreatic enzymes?

These are the 2 types of hepatitis that are transmitted by blood and body fluids

What are hepatitis B and C?


The term for enlarged, tender liver

What is hepatomegaly?


The surgical procedure for cholecystitis - and the two types of procedures

What is cholecystectomy?  Laparoscopic and open procedures


This is what the abdominal assessment would likely show in someone with a gallbladder disorder

What is abdominal pain, rebound tenderness, guarding, rigidity, positive Murphy's sign?


These are s/s of pancreatitis - name at least 3

What are?:

abrupt onset of severe epigastric pain and LLQ radiates to the back, N/V, abdominal distention with rigidity and guarding, decreased bowel sounds, tachycardia, dyspnea, hypotension, elevated temp, cold/clammy skin, Turner's and Cullen's signs


A person who harbors the hepatitis virus and is capable of spreading to others even though they don't have any s/s

What is a carrier?


Ascites is caused by insufficient amounts of this protein

What is albumin?


These are dilated veins of the esophagus prone to rupture in cirrhosis

What are esophageal varices?


These are types of foods to teach the patient to avoid 

What are high fat foods - whole milk products, dairy, pork products, gravies and sauces, fried foods, chocolate, etc.?


These are 2 labs that show inflammation of the pancreas

What are amylase and lipase levels?


These are 3 complications of hepatitis B and C that could be life threatening

What are chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer?


These are s/s of hepatic encephalopathy - name at least 3

What are:?

changes in personality and mental status, agitation, restlessness, impaired judgement, slurred speech, confusion, disorientation, incoherence, asterixis


This is the procedure to help relieve the fluid build up from ascites

What is a paracentesis?


These are nursing interventions for cholecystitis - name at least 4

What are?:

teach relationship between fat intake and pain, avoid foods high in fat, keep NPO during acute attacks, maintain NG tube if ordered, administer pain meds and assess effectiveness, Fowlers position, administer vitamin supplements, if obese lose weight, assess abdomen for possibility of peritonitis, post op interventions if surgery


Med teaching related to pancreatic enzymes and how med works

What is?:

take before meals, full glass of H20, wipe off lips after taking

Used to aid in digestion of foods


These are more advanced s/s of hepatitis - name at least 3

What are:?

jaundice, pruritis, light brown stools, brown urine


The purpose of using lactulose in people with cirrhosis

What is to lower the ammonia levels? - especially in hepatic encephalopathy


The type of dietary restriction of patients who have cirrhosis suffering from hepatic encephalopathy

What is protein?