Rocks :(
Planets :/
Flora and Fauna
Rice Trivia
Fun facts about things charlie likes

This purple variety of quartz is said to guard against psychic attack and cure insomnia. 

what is amethyst?


This so-called ‘dwarf planet’ was called a planet in the halcyon days of my youth, but is apparently a Kuiper belt object.

What is Pluto?


These australian bears are not bears, but marsupials. They are still our friends.

What is a Koala Bear?


Rice university finds itself nestled in the gentle and rolling hills of this gulf coast city

What is Houston?


This class of pious hermits invented champagne, double entry bookkeeping, and the science of genetics. They even have a fish named after them! 

What are monks?


This mineral, named after a princely midwestern state known as the ‘state of hockey’, is apparently found on Mars as well

What is Minnesotaite


This peacefully named region of the moon is not technically an ocean but is the first location on another celestial body to be visited by human beings

What is the sea of tranquility (I sense that people don't call it this any more but rather the Mare Tranquillitatis. I do not respect Latin...if it were a good language it wouldn't be dead)


This terrifyingly named wasp is neither a spider nor a bird of prey. It is still our foe.

What is a Tarantula Hawk?


Sammy (who? who??), the rice mascot, is this kind of bird

What is an Owl?


This hallucinogenic drug, favored by such luminaries as the Grateful Dead, was introduced to the public via a CIA investigation into mind control (lmao good one fellas)

What is acid? 


This green rock is so named because it has a texture similar to the skin of a snake 

What is serpentinite?

This star is the brightest star we can see from Earth, and is G-type main-sequence star

What is the sun?


The word Sepia comes from the greek word for this huggable mollusk, so named because the little critter squirts an ink that is Sepia toned

What is a Cuttlefish? (More like cuddlefish if you ask me)


The department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences was established in 1952 as the department of this academic field.

What is Geology? (Seriously, I need someone to tell me what Geology is)


This bear, named after an archipelago near Alaska, is so big <3 <3 I love them (up to 600 kg!) (cuddling one would fix me!!)

What is a Kodiak?

400 on the mountain! Volcanoes are named after this Roman God of Fire.

Who is Vulcan...or who was Vulcan? Honestly if you say Hephaestus that's fine too, I like Greeks more than Romans. 


Italian Futurist Filippo Marinetti proposed to ‘Murder’ the light from this heavenly body with “mosque lamps whose brass cupolas are bright as our souls, because like them they were illuminated by the internal glow of electric hearts”

“A cry went up in the airy solitude of the high plains: 'Let's Murder the moonlight!' Some ran to nearby cascades; gigantic wheels were raised, and turbines transformed the rushing waters into magnetic pulses that rushed up wires, up high poles, up to shining, humming globes. So it was that three hundred electric moons canceled with their rays of blinding mineral whiteness the ancient green queen of loves.”


Hegel once said that this nocturnal bird, the _____ of Minerva, spreads its wings only with the falling of dusk (and thus that knowledge only reveals itself once it is too late to be of use).

What is an Owl?


In 1962, president John F Kennedy gave a speech at Rice University announcing his intention to go to this place within the decade, not because it is easy but because it is hard. (In 1963 he was killed in Dallas and I mean the CIA was just so obviously involved, wake up sheeple).

What is the moon?


This fundamental unit of time is, in fun numerical happenstance, exactly 2*7! seconds

What is a week?


The Roman Emperor for Varius Avitus Bassianus was widely scorned for worshiping Ilah al-Jabal, an Arab-Roman Sun god who was said to have taken physical form and traveled from space to Earth in the form of this class of rock.

What is a meteorite?


Someone born today would have their sun in this balanced constellation, connoting honor and integrity

What is Libra


Methuselah, a nearly 5000 year old tree of this species, is thought to be the oldest living thing on Earth (AND I’VE SEEN IT).

What is a bristlecone pine?


This string of words is what GIESS stands for

What is the Graduate Interdisciplinary Earth Science Symposia


The mathematician Evariste Galois was killed in a dual at the age of 19, shortly after writing down his observations about the solutions of polynomial equations. His work established group theory and is now considered the foundation of this branch of mathematics, familiar to middle schoolers.

What is algebra?