True or False
Students in the Classroom
Gifted and Talented
Fact or Myth
Students who are gifted exist at all ages and grade levels in the school system: True or False
What is true
What percentage of the students in education are considered to be gifted?
What is 3% to 5%
Why are gifted and talented students among the most neglected of students with a disability?
What is Many parents and teachers do not clearly understand the needs of students who are gifted and talented. This is often due to the rationale that these students will succeed on their own.
Boredom often results in low achievement for Gifted and Talented Students: Fact or Myth
What is Fact
Acceleration is?
What is Changing pace of instruction.
Gifted and Talented Students are among the most paid attention to of all groups of students with special needs: True or False
What is False
Where are students usually identified as being gifted at?
What is elementary school
What are 2 ways to promote creativeness in g and t students?
What is Teach students to be efficient and effective in individual study. Help pupils to invoke and apply complex cognitive processes Encourage discussions and question asking. Establish human interaction skills. Aid students in acquiring respect for all other humans. Build student’s positive expectations about their careers and lives
Gifted and Talented Students make all other students smarter:
What is Myth
Enrichment is?
What is More varied educational experiences through increased content.
You should resist policies requiring more work for those who finish assignments quickly and easily: True or False
What is True
What used to be the primary way of evaluating whether a student was gifted and talented?
What is IQ tests
What is curriculum compacting?
What is expanded amount of time students have to work on more challenging material.
Families always prize Gifted and Talented Student's abilities:
What is Myth
Grouping is?
What is Brings gifted students together, for part or all of the day.
Gifted students are always trying to isolate themselves: True or False
What is False
What are the two types of classroom adaptation called?
What is Differentiated and Undifferentiated
Name 2 disadvantages to I.Q. tests.
What is Expensive, can only be administered by special personnel, are biased in favor of middle and upper class students, discriminates against diverse ethnic and cultural groups, doesn’t measure verbal ability.
Gifted and Talented Students might not try something if not guaranteed an A:
What is Fact
What is problem-based learning?
What is It is a learning strategy that simulates real world problem solving.
While being extremely book smart, gifted and talented students usually lack creative skills: True or False
What is False
List 2 of the 4 procedures used to identify Gifted and talented students.
What is Direct observation Inventories Checklists Analysis of various work samples
Name 3 signs of Gifted and talented students.
What is Read a good deal Learn basic skills better Boundless energy Skeptical, critical, and evaluative Large storehouse of information Respond and relate well to older people Enjoy learning new things Longer attention span
Gifted Students can accomplish anything they put their minds too: Fact or Myth
What is Fact
What is tiering assignments?
What is the practice of differentiating tasks within a classroom based on student readiness levels.