Gifted 101
Enrichment in our School
Referring Students
Always Remember
I'm the interested student who learns with ease, remembers the answers, generates advanced ideas, and typically performs at the top of the group. Am I a Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker, or a High Achiever?
What is a High Achiever?
This is the key to a differentiated classroom. Hint: A word we learned when we received all of the new technology two years ago.
What is flexibility?
The name of the screener given to students in our school when referred for the enrichment program. This test is given to all second graders who are referred as well as students who are new referrals for the program.
What is the SAGES?
The model our enrichment program is based on.
What is The Schoolwide Enrichment Model?
Students have to make-up missed work in the regular classroom when they attend enrichment? True or False
What is False? Students who participate in the enrichment program are identified based on above average ability, task commitment, and creativity. If students truly exhibit these characteristics, they should not be required to make up the missed work.
I'm typically your curious student and sometimes intellectual student. I know things without working hard, pose unforseen questions, and work beyond the group. Am I a Creative Thinker, a Gifted Learner, or a High Achiever?
What is a Gifted Learner?
Demonstrating the use of differentiation strategies/materials with a regular classroom teacher is considered a method of peer coaching/colaboration with the Enrichment teacher. True or False?
What is true? Remember...I have time built into my schedule for this! Just ask!
According to Joseph Renzulli and founder of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, no single criterion is is used to determine eligibility in the enrichment program, rather the interaction of three main clusters. Name the three clusters...
What is above average ability, task commitment, and creativity?
The Successful The Challenging The Underground The At-Risk The Twice Exceptional Autonomous Learner
What are the types of Gifted students?
The enrichment teacher is responsible for assisting K-2 general education teachers in their classroom, by recommending activities, center ideas, that could be used with those in need of enrichment opportunities? True or False
What is true? I'm here for everyone, but wanted to make sure K-2 teachers understood this.
This type of gifted child may shows traits that frustrate parents, teachers and as well as other students. Viewed in a positive light, it is important to realize that most of these traits are related to this gifted child's confidence; independence, curiosity, interest in novelty, humor and persistence.
What is a creatively gifted student?
The enrichment program in our school consists of all enrichment activities that occur in the classroom, pullout classroom, and throughout the school. The enrichment teacher doesn't have to necessarily initiate or facilitate them. True or False
What is True?
Part A: In what grade are students screened for the enrichment program? Part B: In what grade are they placed in Talent Pool and begin receiving Talent Pool services?
What is Grade 2 and then Grade 3?
Mismatched teaching and learning styles, absence of challenge, feelings of isolation, peer pressure, perfectionism, and lack of organizational skills...
What is why Gifted students underachieve?
In looking at the students to refer, do we observe and then screen for gifted behavior or do we test for giftedness?
What is screen for gifted behavior?
Gifted children develop cognitively at a much faster rate than they develop physically and emotionally, posing some interesting problems. What is this called?
What is "Asynchronous development"?
The Enrichment teacher is available to work with Talent Pool students and others to meet their needs. Name two possible strategies that may be used.
What are: Curriculum Compacting, Tiered Actvities/Centers, Interest Development Centers, Contracts, Independent Studies, Choice Boards, Literature Circles, or Socratic Circles?
The name of the form given when teachers are referring a student for enrichment, whereby the student is rated based on their gifted behavior.
What is the TABS?
An important part of the Enrichment teacher's job includes working with classroom teachers in K-5 to develop lessons, enrichment activities, and individualized experiences that will enhance the teaching and learning of high-end learners. What is this called?
What are consultative services or collaboration with the Enrichment teacher?
-Gifted students are gifted in all areas/subjects -Gifted students are arrogant, difficult, and obsessive -Gifted kids don’t need teachers and the typical amount of teacher attention -Gifted students need more work than other students -School is a good experience for gifted students because they score well on tests and make good grades
What are Myths of Gifted students?
I'm the idea generator and maybe one day I'll become an inventor? I wonder and daydream a lot and sometimes get in trouble for not paying attention. But, be careful not to assume I'm ADD/ADHD even though the characteristics are similar.
What is a Creatively Gifted Child?
To assure equity in the amount of services provided throughout the district, students in the Enrichment program receive how many hours of services in grades 3,4, and 5?
What is 2 hours for third grade, 2.5 hours for fourth grade, and 3 hours for fifth grade?
General or specific intellectual ability. Specific academic aptitude. Creative or productive thinking. Leadership and human relations abilities. Visual arts, performing arts, spatial or musical abilities
What are the areas of identification of gifted students?
Approximately five percent of the population posses outstanding abilities that enable exceptional performance, either intellectually, perceptually, creatively, artistically, with leadership ability or physically.
What is gifted?
Students who are gifted have learning needs that go beyond what is traditionally offered in the regular classroom. Due to he nature of their abilities, in order to maximize their potential, these students need?
What are differentiated learning experiences and opportunities?