Case Law
Types of Intelligence Products
28 CFR Core Principles
Curriculum Vitae
Geographic Trivia
This case law allows a stop and frisk of a person
What is Terry vs. Ohio
This Intelligence product focuses on individual gang members
What is a tactical product.
How many core principles are there related to 28CFR - Part 23
What is five.
A CV should be maintained by
What is everyone
What southeastern state boasts the cities of Frog Jump, Only and Sweet Lips?
What is Tennessee
This case indicates that the freedom of speech amendment does not allow a person to use this amendment to threaten a person on behalf of a gang
What is State of Arizona vs. Jerry Dean McCoy
This intelligence product is developed and could target an entire gang or neighborhood.
What is an Operational product.
The primary goal of Intelligence Led Policing is
What is Prevention
Name of the document that is used to apply for a job,which is different than a CV.
What is a resume.
What biblical place name means "pleasure"
What is Eden
This case law allows a person to be re-interviewed after a person has already invoked his rights to remain silent.
What is Maryland vs. Shatzer
This type of product could be used for policy formation, planning, and or a focus on the bigger picture
What is an operational intelligence product.
Arizona DPS must comply with 28CFR-Part 23 primarily because
What is federal funding or shared intelligence
Arizona Rule which governs the use of expert witnesses in an Arizona court
What is Rule 702
What two US cities have the same name,are the largest cities in their states, but are not state capitals.
What is Portland Maine and Portland, Oregon
What is Mirandas first name and what year did the United States Supreme Court Justices review the case and render an opinion?
What is Ernesto and 1966
This type of intelligence product has been described as a "view from above."
What is a Strategic intelligence product.
28 CFR - Part 23 does not apply to
What is police records management files
While testyfying in a gang trial, you are asked to list the seven GMIC criteria
What is Self proclamation, witness testimony or official statement, written or electronic correspondence, paraphernalia or photographs, tattoos, clothing or colors, any other indicia.
What continent is Greenland part of ?
What is North America
Case law that deals with having to prove a gang meets the definition of a criminal street gang
What is State of Arizona vs. Baldenegro
Who are the two people that are identified during the discussion of the Crime funnel?
What is Dr. Ratcliffe and Captain Vasquez.
The five core principles of 28CFR - Part 23 submission into a criminal database are
What is Legaly obtained, Political/Religious/Social views, Relevancy, Reasonable Suspicion, Labeling
Name of two cases that govern the use of expert witnesses
What is Frye and Daubert
Which city is furthest west? San Diego, Los Angeles or Reno, Nevada
What is Reno