Sweet tooth
Dia De Los Muertos
Witchy Things

Ora Snyder invented a Chicagoland empire and became one of the most successful candy makers of her time, she chose to add this cool modern appliance to all her stores to keep products fresh longer 

A. Ice cream machines 

B. Refrigerators 

C. Air conditioning 

D. Dry Ice Machines 

C. Air conditioning 


This Disney movie, named after a family matriarch, was one of the first American made animated movies to depict Dia De Los Muertos 

What is Coco


It is very difficult to adopt this type of cat around Halloween, because there is concern people will mistreat them

What are black cats 


While we know it as Halloween, it started out as All Hallows Eve, a truly long time ago, is this holiday: 

A. 2000 years old

B. 1000 years old

C. 500 years old

D. 250 years old 

A. 2000 years old


While operating the Toll House In, Ruth Graves Wakefield was famous for her cooking and baking skills, but one night she ran out of ingredients for her famous chocolate drop cookies; thinking quick she was able to try and make another cookie and ended up creating this extremely popular type of cookie

What are chocolate cookies 


These flowers are important for the holiday because they guide the souls back to the homes of their families

A. Marigolds 

B. Roses

C. Lavender 

D. Chrysanthemums 

A. Marigolds


This Massachusetts town shares its name with Sabrina Spellman's cat, is the place of the most famous witch incident in America, where women were accused and put on trial for being witches 

What is Salem


Women (often tasked with preparing the decorations for the harvest festivals) actually started the tradition of carving this popular Halloween decoration and filling them with sweets and eating them before bed in order to have sweet dreams

What are pumpkins 


Mary Wiseman, also known as Mary See, was the one to found this iconic chocolate brand, with a store located in Marina Del Rey even! 

What is See's chocolate


While the Catrina mask is best associated with Dia De Los Muertos, is actually started with this goddess of death

A. Coatlicue

B. Itzpapalotl

C. Mictecacihuatl 

D. Jessica 

C. Mictecacihuatl


Women during the Black Plague were accused of being witches because they were more likely to own this animal, which deterred the mice that were carrying the disease (fun fact the fleas on the rats were the ones to carry the Plague, not the rats themselves)  

What are cats


Oh God, don't wear this in Alabama on Halloween, as it is considered illegal (although you probably won't get arrested).

 A. A nun or priest

B. Jesus or the Virgin Mary 

C. a bible or Torah 

A. A nun or a preist 


Bertha Potter Palmer is credited with creating this chocolatey cookie bar, not related to pre-girl scout girl youth support group

What are Brownies 


Catrina Masks are attributed to Mexican artist, José Guadalupe Posada, although the first know large publication of this art was this year, also the year of his death: 

A. 1856

B. 1902

C. 1897

D. 1913 

D. 1913


Women would peel this fruit around the time of All Hallows Eve and throw it over their shoulder, hoping it would show them their future husband's first initial 

A. Oranges 

B. Bananas 

C. Mangoes

D. Apples

D. Apples


The word witch comes from this Old English work that meant "wise woman" 

A. wikki

B. wicce

C. Crunch Wrap Supreme 

D. weise

B. Wicce


Eleanor Abbott created this board game about a magical place for sweets while she was stuck at home in 1948 recovering from Polio 

What is Candyland 


Dia De Los Muertos was brought to this angelic city in the early 1970's (despite being over 3000 years old) by Altaristas (altar makers) Ofelia Esparza and Consuelo Flores 

What is Los Angeles 


This group of people thought cats were people who had done bad deeds and thus were sent back to earth, and most often black cats were considered witches that came back 

A. Celts

B. Anglos

C. Jutes 

D Visagoths 

A. Celts 


Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, and also in Germany it is tradition to hide these kitchen utensils so spirits don't accidentally hurt themselves

What are knives